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fina filtering question


New member
ihave been making fina for years and always making it easyer to filter.My question is after seting a few days i have no sentments left to draw up and have been mixing the (ba with oil 50/50 seperate) because the whatman filter is made for oil.So can you filter the ba threw the filter with out adding oil? Being it seems to me the ba has a oil base its self,or should i keep adding oil at 50/50 with ba like ive been doing in past? Being the filter clogges up from the tren in ba faster then when just filtering oil first.i hope someone understands my point here.bottom line is oil filter is nade for oil base but can ba be run threw it the same with out adding oil,is pretty much what i am asking? Using 0.45,25mm sterile..always have never a problem.
removed once again 7 days ppl on here are clueless weres the old members that knew there shit? This use to be a good site with people that know what there doing now its seem there is nothing but clueless ppl. Amazeing ppl arent dieing left and right on here.And ppl wonder why i dont help or log in anymore.This use to be the best bodybuilding site on the net now i guess its the best social site not about geting big and staying in shape..Hell you can remove my post i already removed question and it was a pretty easy on if your making your own gear..Like china test that is being cut with meth,amazeing ppl still dont know powder your buy you have no clue whats in it.china puts meth in baby milk for god sakes...You cant trust a soul and sure cant get a answer on here anymore! I got mad karma because i hanged with ppl that new there shit.45 now and still look better then 20 year olds using ugl labs think about what your doing before you posion in your body,just because you get something doesnt mean its real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im not clear on your question and there are only like 3 of us that know our shit on this thread. Are you mixing half and half oil/bb? If so thats a terrible proportion.
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