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EQ & orals only cycle?


Hey guys, how are all of you?

I was thinking about going into this summer cycle within a month or so.

1-16: ECAY/Clen stack (100mg ephedrine, 800mg caffeine, 324mg aspirin, 10mg yohimbine. Alternate every 2 weeks with Clenbuterol stack + 1 week off time, ie: 2 weeks ECAY, 2 weeks Clen, 1 week off, repeat)
1-12: Equipose 400mg e/w
1-4: Beastdrol 40mg e/d
10-14: Katanadrol 160mg e/d

I am getting hold of some test and would have added a low dose in there but because I want to run a winter bulk, I am saving it for winter time and will just use the Equipose. I could also lower the Equipose down to 300mg e/d which could let me run it for 16 weeks, but not sure if that will be enough, as I got excellent results running the 400mg.

What are your thoughts on it? I also have some winstrol and anavar, but that stuff is like magic to me and I think I'll save it for next year and try some of Needto's stuff for now.
Why not 2 weeks of each.. E/C/A, Y/C/A, Clen.. I don't like E and Y together, I rather use them alternately.. Yohimbe does wonders for my funky fat deposits like my lower back and love handles.

I would consider 16 weeks of EQ, or at least 600mg of you plan to just run 12 with no Test.

10 weeks on Katanadrol, is that safe?
Go with 600 on EQ bro if that's all you are using. The rest looks good with the Beast and Katana.

And if you could, just run and HRT dose of test with it for basic bodily needs for testosterone.
I'll try to see if I can squeeze out 600mg from my old vial haha. Thanks dudes. Yeah I like usually just running 250mg Test but I may not be able to. If I can, I will...if not, then oh well, I'll pray for the best.
Why not 2 weeks of each.. E/C/A, Y/C/A, Clen.. I don't like E and Y together, I rather use them alternately.. Yohimbe does wonders for my funky fat deposits like my lower back and love handles.

I would consider 16 weeks of EQ, or at least 600mg of you plan to just run 12 with no Test.

10 weeks on Katanadrol, is that safe?
Nah only 4 weeks bro. Weeks 10-14. I wouldn't do that.

I'd do 10 weeks of Anavar though :evil: haha
Id bump up the EQ to 500 or 600mg if you are not running test. Dont go down to 300mg, you wont see much at all. Thats a shit load of stimulants, you heart will not like this cycle bro!
not using test in an eq cycle..wont that shut your natural test pretty badly and give all the nasty sides

Using test in a test cycle will also shut you down.

Sides depend on the person. Many people run EQ only (or wit an oral) and have no problems.
Using test in a test cycle will also shut you down.

Sides depend on the person. Many people run EQ only (or wit an oral) and have no problems.

Yeah I have a good friend that just runs EQ at 600 mgs/wk and 40 mgs/day of var and loves it. He's not jacked, but always lean and vascular.
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