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does accutane work better without steroids?


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im taking steroids right now 100mg testo prop ed .... + 80mg accutane daily....

does accutane work better when i go off ... or at leat 50mg eod test prop ?

Yes it works better, in fact, you shouldn't be running any gear at all. If you are taking 80mgs of accutane daily, you should stay clear of a cycle for the 6 months that you are on accutane. I am assuming you are getting this from a doc. A doc will run you at 80mgs for 6 months to perm. clear your acne. If you are doing this on your own, 6 months is the way to go at 80. Also, take about 3-5 grams of Omega 3s daily - this will keep your cholestoral LOW throughout your accutane cycle.

Btw, why are you doing 100mgs test prop ED? You should be doing it e0d. or e2ds. But in all honesty, if you have bad acne, adult acne normally, you should steer clear of the steroid for 6 months and stick it out with the accutane. Accutane takes about a month to really get going..2months and you'll be dry, 3 months - game on, super dryness.
im running it everyday because of the does variate too much because of the short half-life when doing it only eod ... especially when taking 100mg or more daily..

but that isnt the topic here, neither if it is healthy taking accutane with steroids - which isnt for sure.

im just asking if accutane really works better/faster .
in theory androgens are working the other way, than accutane does.
my question is, if thats really the case as much as its theoretically it is.

accutane builds up in the system. You're supposed to take 40 mgs in the morning and 40mgs 12 hours later. After a few months, it's completely built up in your system like being on a good cycle, for instance. After you complete a 6 month accutane cycle, it's still active in your system for over 30 days.

The reason why I was asking why you were taking so much prop every day, was a completely different thing, I guess. I was curious are you getting acne from the steroids or do you have adult acne in general without the use of steroids and when you are on, you break out worse? The reason why I gave an example of 6 month accutane cycle is that I had adult acne and it got worse after and during the use of gear. I would suggest for you to run an accutane only cycle for 6 months at 80mgs if this is the case, but if you using accutane just for your cycle, I would bring down the dose of accutane to 40-50 mgs a day just for your cycle. 80 is a bit over kill for a steroid cycle. I would personally, start out high like you are doing for a few weeks but then drop the accutane down to 40-50 ed, and even when you really get dry, maybe 25-40 every other day. It takes about a month to start seeing the drying out effects from accutane. If your acne is super bad, then I guess 50-80 mgs everyday until you dry out would be optimal.

I personally don't think running testosterone only will promote a negative side on your liver from the accutane as long as you keep the accutane mgs under 80. Most generally run 25-40 ed, or e0d during cycle of accutane. I ran 6 months at 80mgs, did a 6 week cycle of primo (mild dose for bridging - primo enth) and had liver tests done everymonth and they came out great (partly due to the fact that I was running the omega 3s). Just don't use any orals while using accutane, that's the main thing..
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