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Critique 2nd cycle

Johnny Juicer

New member
weeks 1-10 600mg Deca
weeks 1-8 400mg Test Cyp. (Ttokkyo)
weeks 1-4 30mg D-bol (Ttokkyo)

All of these aromatize very easily, do you think liquidex can handle this cycle or should I substitute something for something else? What chew guys think?:mix:
You should run your test for a full twelve weeks if you stop the deca at week ten. Deca stays active 4 weeks after your last shot.

Only run the enan for eight weeks then end the last two weeks with prop. Run the deca ten weeks. I think 1mgED of liquidex can handle that.
Run the cyp 3 injections (1.5 weeks) past the deca. You want all androgens to leave the system at the same time.... Use clomid post cycle to allow quicker recouperation of HPTA to prevent a crash from low androgen levels.

I think it is always a good idea to run the test at the same level or a little higher than the deca. I would run the deca for weeks 1-8 and the test for weeks 1-9. I doubt you will have a problem with armotization. If you do it will come during weeks 3-4 when the D-bol is active and the test starts to kick in. There is no need to switch over to prop. as long as you plan your cyp. shots correctly. For your second cycle, you should grow just fine on 400mg of test and deca plus the d-bol.

Deca is active for 4 weeks after last injection? I think deca is only active for 2 weeks after your last injection.
Thepugdog said:
I think it is always a good idea to run the test at the same level or a little higher than the deca. I would run the deca for weeks 1-8 and the test for weeks 1-9. I doubt you will have a problem with armotization. If you do it will come during weeks 3-4 when the D-bol is active and the test starts to kick in. There is no need to switch over to prop. as long as you plan your cyp. shots correctly. For your second cycle, you should grow just fine on 400mg of test and deca plus the d-bol.

Deca is active for 4 weeks after last injection? I think deca is only active for 2 weeks after your last injection.

three weeks bro
Run the test at a higher dosage (500mg a week) will be fine.
Drop the deca all together and grab some tt eq start it at week 5(no less than 400mg per week) and run it 3 weeks post last test injection.
Divide your dbol dosage, which is fine by the way, evenly every 4 hrs.

Sorry bro but in my personal opinion the only thing deca is good for is "lifting boo-boo's"

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