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Can't get pins, need help with oral cycle !


New member
I've had 3 shipments in a row stopped by customs !They knew I had pins in the packages, do they have the same x-ray machines as you see in the airport ?
Anyway, they told me not to try importing any needles again.
All I've got are orals. 600 winny 5mg, 400 D-bol 5mgs,1 box of Clen 100 tbs 20mcg and a box of Clomid 30x 50mg tabs.

I thought I could do a reasonable bulking cycle with the d-bol and Winny,using the clomid post cycle. Maybe follow it up a month or so later with a Winny Clen cutting cycle ?Something like this:

week 1) 20mgs dbol 20mgs Winny
week 2) 20mgs dbol 20mgs Winny
week 3) 25mgs dbol 20mgs winny
week 4) 25mgs dbol 20mgs Winny
week 5) 30mgs dbol 20 mgs winny
week 6) 30mgs dbol 25mgs winny
week 7) 25mgs dbol 25mgs winny
week 8) 20 mgs dbol 25 mgs Winny
week 9) 100 mgs clomid each day
week 10) 50mgs clomid each day
week 11) 50mgs clomid ed

total = 273 dbol ,245 winny ,28 clomid tbs.

2nd cycle:

week 1) 20 mgs winny 1 clen tbs
week 2) 20mgs winny 2 clen tbs
week 3) 25 mgs winny 2 clen tbs
week 4) 30mgs winny 2 clen
week 5) 30 mgs winny 2 clen
week 6) 30mgs winny 2 clen
week 7)25 mgs winny 2 clen
week 8)20 mgs winny 1 clen

total = 238 winny tbs, 98 clen tbs.

Any thoughts ? I don't really like the idea of oral only cycles, but right now....!!!
You're kidding right? Your gear got seized because of pins? That sounds fishy. Order pins domestic. Your liver is gonna go through hell with dbol+winny, in spite of the fact it's not a good cycle. I'm sure you already know that though. Just be cool and wait for the pins.
No kiddin

I live in Japan, and it's illegal for anyone to have needles here !
I got some domestic before but the source has disappeared !
Any help ?
Should I do the Clen 2weeks on 2 off ?
I'm not an expert on clen, but 21 days on, then 21 days off is pretty standard. Your oral only cycle looks heavy and long, I just wish your liver the best. Can you get ALA in Japan?
Can you get ALA in Japan?

Since the source I mentioned vanished I can't get anything !
I don't even live on the Main Island chain, but on a small Island.
My only hope seems to be shipping from outside, but with the customs so tight now it's very risky !
looks kinda toxic, but then again I do not think 20mg dbol and 20mg winny is more toxic than 50mg dbol pwer day for those who use that. I'm no fan of orals only and ther eare like one kmillion resons why you should use a "non" oral to that cycle.

It also shouns strange you can get winny and dbol but not syringes and needles.

I would rahter do this for bulk:

10mg dbol in the morning for 60 days
bump protein intake with 100g per day for 3 weeks, then up 50g more for 2 weeks then back again for 2 weeks at +100. It's a protein manipulation.

I would use the orals as helpers to get a higher protein syntese, that is why I would pick a low dose as 10mg in the morning. I know a few who has tried it with sucess.

For cuttoing I would use winny at 25-50mg per day for a maximum of 6 weeks.

keep in mind that your diet is the Nr1 thing to focus on, listen to your body. Make as a rule always to get enough proten per day and up on the healty fats.

good luck
Thanks MrRTTB !

I appreciate the sound advice. As for the customs thing, I was getting needles from a different source to my gear.
The package containing the needles had nothing else in it except for an 'Aromatherapy Kit'.
When they seized it I told them to send it back. I emailed the source and told him to repack it and ship it again. About ten days later customs rang again and told me they had another package for me which contained needles and that they were sending it back.I've since received some orders of gear without problem, but as for needles I'm stumped.
I once got some from my vet in a small quantity on the premise that they were to be used on my pets, but it would be pushing it to ask for more.
As for the oral only,as Anadrol comes in 50mg tablets I wouldn't have thought my cycle would be that hard on the liver as long as I take all the necessary precautions.But maybe the length is a problem. How about cutting it down to 5-6 weeks ?
while nobody can guarantee you that your body will be ok after a 10wk oral only cycle i do believe the dangers are way overstated. speaking of Anadrol, scientists have fed males 100mg of Anadrol for 12 wks and they had healthy livers and several pounds of extra lean tissue afterwards. more of a concern is the negative effect of winstrol on your blood lipid profile; i would never do a winny only cycle therefore.

Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2003 Jan;284(1):E120-8
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okiman said:
Thanks MrRTTB !

I appreciate the sound advice. As for the customs thing, I was getting needles from a different source to my gear.
The package containing the needles had nothing else in it except for an 'Aromatherapy Kit'.
When they seized it I told them to send it back. I emailed the source and told him to repack it and ship it again. About ten days later customs rang again and told me they had another package for me which contained needles and that they were sending it back.I've since received some orders of gear without problem, but as for needles I'm stumped.
I once got some from my vet in a small quantity on the premise that they were to be used on my pets, but it would be pushing it to ask for more.
As for the oral only,as Anadrol comes in 50mg tablets I wouldn't have thought my cycle would be that hard on the liver as long as I take all the necessary precautions.But maybe the length is a problem. How about cutting it down to 5-6 weeks ?

np bro, just gimme some karma :)
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