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:p Can you help me understand the best diet to capitalize on this anabolic. I have heard that 2cc a week is the right dose, is that correct? Also, what should I expect my weight to do if I am 6"3' 230 and 18-22%bf?

Just from my own experience (I'm 6', 230) 500/wk is not gonna do much for you. You may respond better to test than I did, but at your weight I think 750/wk should be a minimum. As far as diet- every fucking thing you can shove in your mouth! If it ever walked swam or flew- EAT IT.

500/wk = 2cc's? (what are the units on 500(?) /wk?)
750/wk = 3cc's? (what are the units on 750(?) /wk?)

I have also heard that 2cc's every 5 days is best for results.

At what part of the cycle do you see the most gain?
hey bro, it will take a couple of weeks before you really start to notice a big difference. yuo will feel the prop in the first week or two but nothing dramatic. the ethenate will take a few weeks to really start to kick in. yu will get some water retention as well. make sure you have your anti- E's for the end and some nolva on hand as well.

Help me understand since it is my first time. Can you tell me what anti- E and nolva is? And what they are for. I am more interested in understanding the whole process so I don't do something that becomes a health risk.

Thanks for the help,
Re: Ignorance

MightyMoose said:
Help me understand since it is my first time. Can you tell me what anti- E and nolva is? And what they are for. I am more interested in understanding the whole process so I don't do something that becomes a health risk.

Thanks for the help,

Mighty, this is not a flame but
DO NOT start juice anytime soon. With your level of knowledge all you are going to have a month after your cycle is small nut and big tits.

Stick around a while and learn!

You will be much happier in the long run!

I'm gonna have to agree with Bootyshaker on this one. Wait a while and learn before taking anything. It will be better in the long run and you won't have to spend $5000 on gyno surgurey! :cool:
While you wait and learn, buy gear. That way, when you are ready you'll have enough for a couple of cycles. Also, when you figure out that anti-estrogens (nolvadex, proviron) are an important part of a test or high androgen cycle, as well as clomid for post cycle and perhaps HCG, you will have plenty on hand. If you do stock up, don't be stupid and try a Captain Insano cycle on your first go. Good luck, and hang around!
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