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anyone use muscle milk?

Lestat said:
I mix 1 scoop of muscle milk with 1 scoop of All The Whey..

now what is the diff between that and a scoop or two of whey with flax oil???? and a scoop of casein or egg if you want????
i believe the difference is that muscle milk is alot more expensive, has "root beer flavor", and is loaded with saturated fat!

...did i mention it comes in root beer?
slaughterhouse said:
i believe the difference is that muscle milk is alot more expensive, has "root beer flavor", and is loaded with saturated fat!

...did i mention it comes in root beer?

lol......EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!! that is my point to a T. :)
i can get it dirt cheap at work, but you know what? i chug all this shit anyway. i'm not drinking protein drinks for enjoyment, that is for sure. its a part of the daily regimen if you want to put on muscle, drink your protein. no need to make it yummy. i'll go eat some ice cream or something if i want a root beer float. :D real men drink nasty ass whey with make you gag flax oil. :) i have just about had it with muscle milk, i'm fighting the next guy who comes in and buys it. :mad: :D
lol when my woman has a baby you know im trying it. shit ill be able to up my kcals by like 1000 and ill never have to get out of bed! ill even be able to eat during sex!
Why not just go right to the source and use real breast milk mixed with nitrotech.... prolly 270000% better than anything else. think of the slabs of pure muscle you will pack on......know any lactating women who would be willing?
I had a can of it. Tasted awesome, but I didn't feel as lean(probably psychological). The fat in it is supposed to be all MCT's though.
it is high in saturated fat...not even kidding, u know what sold me???? i got root beer float...when it said, "if used with milk, it tastes like a real milk shake...honestly!!!!" oh a thing ya know, il load up on the cell-tech, nitro-tech combo
1. Muscle Milk has been my favorite protein supplement since day one. I bought it before chocolate even came out, when vanilla was the only option.

2. I believe most of the fat are EFAs, not saturated...I could be wrong, but I do remember it as that.

3. Drinking the recommended dose of Muscle Milk can make you go broke quicker than a primo winny stack. :D okay...not really...
1. Muscle Milk has been my favorite protein supplement since day one. I bought it before chocolate even came out, when vanilla was the only option.

2. I believe most of the fat are EFAs, not saturated...I could be wrong, but I do remember it as that.

3. Drinking the recommended dose of Muscle Milk can make you go broke quicker than a primo winny stack. okay...not really...

Its my first choice as well, 8gms sat fat, not that high a Mc donald's small regular patty which is not much bigger than a quarter has 10 gms. I get strong and lean on the shit, and it is the best tasting powder out there. THINK LEAN LIPID.:)
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