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Anavar Cycle


New member
Hey Guys

Thinking of doing low dosage Anavar cycle 20MG to 40 MG a day.

I began running marathons a year ago and I have loss some of my muscle.

I got my hands on 10MG(white tabs) - 200 of them....

I was wandering if you guys could suggest how long of a cycle and some Post cycle suggestions.....

Any advice apreciated.....


P.s. I have taken Anavar once before about 2 years ago.
30 mg/day for 5-6 weeks. Anavar has very mild adrogenic properties so a PCT of Testosteron Recovery Stack or something similar would be appropriate.

Why waste your time shutting down your system on such a low dose cycle. If you going to shut down you system you should make it worth while.
I agree with the captain here. Besides, you need to take a hard look at the cause + effect of why you're losing muscle. I dont know many marathon runners with muscle..not much anyway.
Once you burn through the carbs your body goes straight for the muscle for energy. Next it looks for fat, but if you're lacking that it goes back to the muscle and starts eating it away..literally.
If not having much muscle means that much to you, why marathons? How about a 15k and call it a day? Or does marathons pay your bills?
Just my .02.
Hey Guys

Thinking of doing low dosage Anavar cycle 20MG to 40 MG a day.

I began running marathons a year ago and I have loss some of my muscle.

I got my hands on 10MG(white tabs) - 200 of them....

I was wandering if you guys could suggest how long of a cycle and some Post cycle suggestions.....

Any advice apreciated.....


P.s. I have taken Anavar once before about 2 years ago.

40mg per day,, 10 weeks,,,stack with some OTC creatine.
Anavar is not going to "shut you down." It may have a very slight effect on HPTA, but you will not be "shut down." This is because Anavar doesn´t aromatize (convert to estrogen).

Quoted from another source...

Serum testosterone, SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), and LH (Leutinizing Hormone) will be slightly suppressed with low doses of Anavar, but less than with other compounds. FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) , IGF1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) and GH (Growth Hormone) will not be suppressed with a low dose of Anavar, but will actually be raised significantly (12)(13)(14) as you may have guessed, and LH will even experience a "rebound" effect when you stop using anavar (3) If your endocrine system and HPTA are funtioning normally, you should be able to use anavar with minimal insult to it, and can even keep most of your values within the normal range (5).
Anavar is not going to "shut you down." It may have a very slight effect on HPTA, but you will not be "shut down." This is because Anavar doesn´t aromatize (convert to estrogen).

Quoted from another source...

Serum testosterone, SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), and LH (Leutinizing Hormone) will be slightly suppressed with low doses of Anavar, but less than with other compounds. FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) , IGF1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) and GH (Growth Hormone) will not be suppressed with a low dose of Anavar, but will actually be raised significantly (12)(13)(14) as you may have guessed, and LH will even experience a "rebound" effect when you stop using anavar (3) If your endocrine system and HPTA are funtioning normally, you should be able to use anavar with minimal insult to it, and can even keep most of your values within the normal range (5).

it can surpress your you experience side effects of suppression, aka loss of libido, lethargy etc.. depends on the individual and the dosages they used
it can surpress your you experience side effects of suppression, aka loss of libido, lethargy etc.. depends on the individual and the dosages they used


But at 20-30 mg/day for 4-6 weeks should be pretty safe.

I took 25mg of Anavar only a day for 5 weeks (that was all I could get my hands on). Did not see any side affects what-so-ever and got some nice results. It was the first time I had ever used an anabolic steroid before.
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