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Alien vs. Predator


High End Bro
I didn't know that execs approved making this movie. Might be interesting.

AvP's Lathan Is No Ripley

Sanna Lathan, who co-stars in the upcoming franchise hybrid film Alien vs. Predator, told SCI FI Wire that she plays a strong female action hero, but that her character has little else in common with Sigourney Weaver's Ellen Ripley. "She's the same as Sigourney's Ripley character in that she's very strong and independent, but I think that's probably about it," Lathan said during an interview on the set in Prague. "For one [thing], it's actually not in the future. This movie happens before all of the Alien movies."

In Alien vs. Predator, Latham's character leads a team of explorers to an archaeological dig in Antarctica, where they find themselves caught in the crossfire between two deadly alien races. "She is kind of unique in that she is somebody who loves Antarctica and is very familiar with that territory," Lathan said. "And that's how she makes her living, by being a guide."

Lathan, who was cast a week before the start of principal photography, hadn't previously seen any of the Alien or Predator films. But director Paul Anderson supplied her with the DVDs to watch during her breaks from filming, she said. Lathan added that she was particularly impressed with Weaver's work in the series. "As far as Sigourney goes, it's just an honor to be able to even be talked about in the same sentence," Lathan said. "I've been watching the Aliens since I started shooting, just to kind of like get a background, because I wasn't really prepared. Everything happened so quickly. But it's a completely, completely different character. And so I'm approaching this as completely new and trying to go off the script." Aliens vs. Predator is scheduled to open Aug. 6, 2004.
Going to be horrible...
I imagine it will be an Oscar contendor much like Paul Anderson's other solid films, such as Mortal Kombat, Soldier, and Resident Evil.
I thought it would be a good movie, until i just read that lol...what's the deal with chicks? put dorian yates in there as a laberor/snow shevler or something.....anyways, check out the two trailers, i think it will be decent. i'm going to watch it either way
I mean honestly, I can see Arnold taking out a Predator cause he's freakin' Arnold. But some 120lb. chick?? That's just an insult to our intelligence
its hard to roll charcter development into these type of movies unless a precedented role is supporting. Dont expect anything new unless the addd some serious fresh qualities and character developement
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