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2 year break from gear - where do I start


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I had a 2 year break from gear. Divorce, stress, depress - no more puss - back in gym, but feeling week and demotivated. I'm 34, 5'11 230, not too lean at the moment..

I'm thinking of running eq / tren / low test clueless of mg's - any suggestions.

I'm fond of longer / low dose cycles to let my diet and training do the work.

I want hgh to get out of depression too - but cant find
If you are just now getting back into the game and back into the gym, I think the best thing to do would be to capitalize on muscle memory and the "noob gains" that you will get from such a long layoff. You should gain muscle and lower bodyfat fairly easily for a little while. Then when things slow down and taper off you can consider running something. Just my 2 cents ;)

And find a way to get motivated!!
motivation does not come in a bottle.
I agree with rick. Give it some time and get back in shape. If you need a little boost use unleashed or hcgenerate to boost natty test.

bro you are nowhere near ready for a cycle... you need to get back in the gym for some time and get a routine down and build back muscle... you are looking for a shortcut that will not happen... you have to put in the time and effort before you can utilize a cycle...
Yea but man, I'm sluggish and weak and feeling old man.. I don't want the gear to do the work - just want the strength to do it myself, and some quick recovery as well.
Yea but man, I'm sluggish and weak and feeling old man.. I don't want the gear to do the work - just want the strength to do it myself, and some quick recovery as well.

Bro then get some pre workout supplements... Your not ready for juice right now
I'd say if you're set on getting back on, just give it at least a few months and then run a moderate test cycle if anything. I have been off gear for two yrs as well, but was only out of the gym for ~8 months, i have been back in for the last 2 months and saw how quickly muscle memory can bring a lot back, and now two months into it was pretty close to where i left off due to a good diet once again and staying at it in the gym at least 4 days a week, I was debating getting back on as well, so i decided to just jump start my way back in to it and started 400 mgs of test this past week.. plan on coasting through a 12 weeker then taking time off, and then getting back into cycling like i used to...
Yea but man, I'm sluggish and weak and feeling old man.. I don't want the gear to do the work - just want the strength to do it myself, and some quick recovery as well.

Bro if your looking for a great boost unleashed or hcgenerate will do it. After you build a base up try running a epistane cycle to boost strength. It will yield nice gains and it doesnt aromatize. Wait a little while before jumping on juice.

Forged Burner and HCGenerate. U'll have no probs with motivation. Maybe even add some forma stanzolol.
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