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  1. T

    Clomid Nolva and HCG pct

    Alright so this is my first cycle , i did : week 1-2 : 50mg of anapolon week 2-7:500mg (2x250)of sustanon 500mg(2x250) of decca im in week 5 and im starting to think about what my pct should look like and im thinking of adding another week of sustanon alone , should i do that ? i will be...
  2. K

    Riding bike!

    Greetings Earthlings, :kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken::kaioken: I have ascended to the next level of Super Saiyan, now I must continue my training! Anyway.. Im going to be starting my first ever cycle, for this...
  3. U

    TEST 400/ DECCA 300/ DBOL - Advise Please

    I have taken many cycles in the past. kept very little although from my last cycle of sus, tren, var, and tbol i had kept some good lean muscle. i have been out of the gym for all of February but am going back to my routine of 3-4 days of weight lifting with 2-3 days of Muay Thai a week. my...
  4. Z

    decca/dball help

    a friend of mine got me some decca and dball and i'm not exactly sure how much I should take. He says 1cc of decca a week (1 shot a week) for 2 weeks, then 1.5 cc for 2 weeks, etc working up to 2.5cc per week for 2 weeks then working back down. as the dball goes its 10mg so he said 3every day...
  5. W

    Should I be worried? possible Infection.

    Im currently on week 4 of 6. Decca/Winstrol cycle.First time ever using gear. oil based Decca 1cc weekly water based Winstrol 1cc three times a week/eod. yesterday, I noticed the decca stung more then usual, not sure if my friend rushed it or not on the injections but it welted up a little bit...
  6. N

    A little help???? Please

    Ok so I've been researching stuff for about 3-4 months now and I've learned alot about different cycles and what to do and not to do. But as you know there is alot of information out there that contradict each other and alot of websites to buy from also. So here's my question. Is there...
  7. F

    lookin for dosages

    *hpothetcically* starting 3rd cycle. 1st-test dbol gained 30, kept 15 2nd-test deca gained 20,kept 10.(didn't eat as well, maybe also 2 shots a week instead of one?) on a limited budget, with availability in my area, here's what ill be workin with. 1 10cc vl test cyp 250mg/cc 1 10cc vl deca...
  8. bfq

    1st Cycle, Test E, Decca, please advise

    I'm 28 years old, at 5'9", I weigh 190lbs. at about 13% body fat (est). I have been lifting for about six years and am planning on trying a short cycle for the first time. I don't have any problem getting more, I just want to see how my body will react to everything. I have used over the...
  9. 6

    Opinion on my cycle

    Getting ready to start a cyle and wanted an opinion. (what do i need to add/take away) I have 40ml Test c 250, Dbol 10mg, Winstrol 10mg, 20ml TriTren, 40ml Decca, Nolva and Clomid. 32 years old. Been working out my whole life(football, baseball, ex military). Im 6' 220lbs. I want it to look like...
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