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First cycle


New member
Hey Guys,

this is my first cycle. have been lifting for almost 2 years. looking for shredding and increasing my mass at the same time.

I'm trying to bulk clean now and reduce my fat at the same time.

here is my cycle:

200 mg Primo/ week
250 mg sustanon/ week
200 mg EQ/ week
40 mg Anavar/ day
4 IU HGH divided into two times. morning and post workout

the cycle will last for between 4 to 5 weeks.
Too many compounds for first cycle. 4-5 weeks is just not enough. U need to do more research...

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This is way too much for a first cycle. Also doing a cycle for 4-5 weeks makes no sense at all. Building muscle is a slow process. 4-5 weeks isn't enough time to allow the drugs to work but it will suppress your natural testosterone production. Whoever gave you this cycle lay out gave you some bad advice.

A simple testosterone cycle of 10-12 weeks at 400-500mg/week is your best option for a first cycle. Being new to steroids, your body will hyper respond and you don't need a very aggressive cycle. It's very similar to an 18 year old having their first drink. A single drink really hits them because they have never drank before. However, a more experienced drinker would need much more alcohol to get the same effect.

This sport is all about progression. It's a marathon. You want to start slowly and work your way up. For a second cycle you can do testosterone + an oral as a kick start. For a third cycle you can do testosterone + an anabolic + an oral as a kick start, etc. If you start with a very aggressive cycle right off the bat, where will you go from there when you plateau? By starting slow you leave 'all your aces in the hole' and will be able to make progressive gains for a long time.

Here's what I recommend:

Weeks 1 - 10
testosterone 500mg/week
aromasin 12.5mg every other day

After your cycle run the perfect PCT protocol:

You can order everything you need for the cycle and the PCT protocol from, and

Sorry but that is a terrible set up. I am really glad you asked this question here so we can get you set up with a proper first cycle. For you it will all come down to diet and training to accomplish your goal of a recomp or lean mass gain. Just run a long ester test and inject 250mg twice per week. Make sure to run an AI like aromasin at 10mg EOD and finish off with the perfect PCT -
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