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Recent content by Mackdaddy88

  1. M

    HGH and gear

    The last months ill be cycling through an ECA stack with the 8ius
  2. M

    HGH and gear

    Running Winnie for 4 weeks at 50mg tabs with the test 400 at 1ml twice a week Then same with var at 50mg for 4 weeks with the tren ace at 1ml eod. Then back to Winnie for repeat and then the var Totalling 16weeka with the gear The HGH ill be running 8iu eod for the duration of 6 months...
  3. M

    HGH and gear

    I started this topic....
  4. M

    HGH and gear

    I'm 96kg Bf% 13 Will be running 4ius along with Winstrol and test 400 Anavar and tren ace Will last me 6 months Opinions?
  5. M

    HGH and gear

    what are people's opinions on using HGH along with a full gear cycle at the same time? Any advice is reccomended
  6. M

    Pct and clen?

    I'm curious to stack the two in conjunction..... I'll be on clomid and tamoxifen for a month and wondering to put in a cycle of clen in there as well. Just after thoughts on the matter.
  7. M

    possible help?

    ive recently started another cycle. prior to these i suffered no tolerence in any side effects untill recently trying out oxybol for a short cycle stacking with tri sus... i have a slight tenderness in my nippled and around them.. nothing major but to touch it is very sensitive. Curious to what...
  8. M

    Cruising with Dbol

    I agree with the four week on and then I usually go four weeks off. Only due to my dosage. The bloat is a pain in the ass however I've seen beneficial results
  9. M

    Remember everyone Beastdrol will be banned this year!!

    Is ther any UK suppliers for beast it hella???
  10. M

    SALE 50% OFF Uniquemicals Sarms and More!!!!

    Silly question but can someone explain the term 'rats' as it throws me off
  11. M

    Packaging of needles for air bound trips?

    There only queries at the moment. Best me asking here now than getting caught. Thanks it the advice
  12. M

    Packaging of needles for air bound trips?

    I'm looking at taking both out. I have a lot of kit to take and will be taking multiple bags. Would you send the stuff? Or put them in separate bags as in. Sharps in one and gear in another... Both tabs and injects
  13. M

    Packaging of needles for air bound trips?

    Hey all I'm curious for help. I don't know rules for taking needles away. Is there problems in main luggage holds.. Or ways to hide them do I don't get my bags stopped. I'm going away for a long period and looking to take all with me. Just need advice and tips MD
  14. M

    ECA and albuterol !

    Thanks kiai. Much appreciated
  15. M

    ECA and albuterol !

    I'm not running it its just a questions. And cheers for the advice.
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