In this podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - SARMS Experiences Nutrobal MK677 and more? • What is MK677 • Our personal experiences with MK677 • Benefits • Side effects • Dosing Link to article: Link to Evo … [Read more...] Hardcore 48 – Short duration SARMS cycles – are they worth it or no?
In this IronOverload podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - Short duration SARMS cycles - are they worth it or no? • Can you make changes in as little as 4 weeks? • Which SARMs can be run for shorter lengths of time? • What is the optimal SARMs cycle length? • What results would you get? • Are those gains keepable? Link to article: … [Read more...] Hardcore 46 – What are our favorite sarms and ways to use them?
In this IronOverload podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - What are our favorite sarms and ways to use them? • Which ones we've personally used • The benefits and side effects we've experienced • Are there others we're thinking of using • Why you should stick to the suggested doses • Making sure to DYOR (inc these podcasts) Link to article: … [Read more...] 501 – SARMS YK-11 (AK-11) Doses,Cycles,Benefits,Side-Effects
Your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss the Sarm YK-11 doses, cycles, benefits and its Side Effects. We discuss: • We talk at how it came into being and it's other name • How steroid like it is • How great it is as a builder of both muscle and strength • It's potential to help you lose hair • Why ANY PED that you with this level of potency come with side effects … [Read more...] 499 – SARMS – S-23 Doses Cycles Benefits Side Effects
Your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss the Sarm S-23 doses, cycles, benefits and its Side Effects • We look at how it came to be created • How does it compare to AAS • Its use, at higher doses, as a potential contraceptive (and why you might still wanna be careful if you use it that way) • How it is definitely suppressive (hence its use as a contraceptive) and why you … [Read more...]