Your full body workout will cause a rush of glycogen forced directly into your muscle cells. From the desk of... George Spellwin - Founder Dear Friend and Fellow Athlete, Here’s Part 2 of Dr. Field Farrar of‘s Clenbuterol/Anorectant No.10/Insulin Ketogenic Cutting Cycle. (The CAI Cycle.) This is his guide to training on the cycle to … [Read more...]
The Clenbuterol Anorectant Insulin Cycle
Build hard, dry muscle while you burn fat fast – getting ripped, cut and perfectly defined. From the desk of... George Spellwin - Founder Dear Friend and Fellow Athlete, Imagine a cycle where you can build hard, dry muscle while you burn fat fast – getting ripped, cut and perfectly defined. A cycle where you melt off pounds of the stuff consumed … [Read more...]