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Posted by Stan the Man on March 25, 1997 at 14:31:59:

In Reply to: Re: insulin for mass - previous poster doesn't know shit posted by APF on March 25, 1997 at 13:16:40:

APF, I think the reason people are doing this is the insulin is a very available drug and personally I know many bodybuilders who have used or are using it.

Yes, insulin use is very dangerous and the use of it should definatly be discouraged, but as you can see that is not going to stop people if they think they are going to get gains off it.

This is an anabolic bulletin board where people come to find out about the usage of controlled substances.

Just saying, do not do it, is like the "Just say no" drug campaign, it does not work.

Like the guy above, if you have seen people doing it and they look OK they don't believe the people crying out that it's bad. How many people do you know including MD's, that say all AS will give you cancer and make your old fella shrink)

You sound very knowledgeable in this field so maybe a more constructive and realistic messages about the usage and dangers would go along way.

: :
: : : Has anybody used insulin to gain muscle mass? How much, when, w/o creatine, only on training days after training or twice a day every day, with a fat-burning product like clenbuterol, short-acting or long-acting or both? Please don`t warn me how dangerous it can be, I have seen it myself.

: : :properly you should be on a/s for about 4 weeks prior to an insulin cycle. you bodyfat should be low under 10% or you will just get fat if you are lean you will get leaner. your cycle should be no longer than 6 weeks no shorter than 4 weeks. insulin - humilin r is the best it needs to be used 3 times a day. injections about 4 hrs apart thats when it dies out. say afetr meals 1, 3, 5. you take it 3 days on 2 days off. post your weight and i will tell you how many units to start with. think about this 1st though- if your not a freak or have plans to compete dont bother.

: God damnit, don't post messages giving Insulin 'advice' when you don't know _anything_ about it! Why do people insist on doing this?

: -APF

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