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  5 Or 6 Meals Per Day Will Make YOU FAT!

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Author Topic:   5 Or 6 Meals Per Day Will Make YOU FAT!
(Total posts: 635)
posted June 16, 2000 05:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Thought you all might like another point of view on the fat game.



Animals Post Against 5 or 6 Meals Per Day: From: Animal Email ############
On: 10/20/98 11:08:48 PM
Subject: 5-6 MEALS A DAY MAKES YOU FAT!!!!!!
How 5-6 meals a day makes you fat!
That's right, and you read it here first. They make you fat. After I proved the farce of the ketogenic diets I began to think, 'What type of diet was I on that made me the leanest and put on the most mass!' Then one of the ketogenic diets authors sent me a nasty email which said, 'What diet won't shut down your thyroid, genius.' Well, if nothing else, he was at least smart enough to realize that those almighty diets do shut down your thyroid. I felt pity for him because it was sad how he was still clinging to dreams of ketosis even though he had been scammed. But realized there was hope for him when he called me 'genius'! He still had the power of rational thinking left and I'd be damned if I didn't help this poor soul. Hmmm. What diets don't shut down your thyroid? First, what do we know about how the thyroid shuts down when dieting? There are 3 ways; lack of carbohydrate, heat (DNP and external) and DNP binding to T4 protein and excreting it which is actually good, but that is another story. We aren't going to take DNP so those two are out and we are left with lack of carbohydrates. We are also not going to take CLA or pyruvate so we are left with a pure diet with no catches. How can we keep the carbs going. We all know of one diet that won't shut things down and that is the 'Up and down' type diet. We eat normal one day and lower our calories the next an repeat. This maintains all the hormones, but could take quite a long time. We need a faster and possibly simpler way. Why not eat 5-6 small meals a day? Because it makes you fat! Now we are going to use the ketogenic authors arguments against them. Insulin does what? It drives glucose and needed nutrients into the cells, including fat cells, AND it stops lipolysis!!!! It stops lipolysis!!!!! If I am eating 5-6 times a day I am going to be stopping lipolysis every single time I eat again because I will get an insulin rise which, can you all say it? Stops lipolysis!! You cannot burn fat if you are eating all day! Now, I am back to thinking about when I was the leanest. About 5 years ago when I was finishing college, but why? Because I only ate 1-2 meals a day! That's right and when you see the logic you will see the light always and realize that another scam has been perpetuated upon all of us in order to cell meal replacements. When did all this 5-6 meals a day really start to hit. When those meal replacements became all the rage. Throw them out because you don't need them anymore!! We will start our diet in the morning. The night before we replenished all our carbs before going to sleep. It is morning and we wake up and our body is in what mode? Fat burning mode!!! The first thing you usually learn is that if you want to burn the most fat off with aerobics you do it in the morning before you eat. Since we are in fat burning mode why would we want to ruin it with food that would raise insulin? And for what? What exercise are you going to do which you are going to need all that energy for? Remember you are fully carbed from last night. If you are fully carbed up and you eat carbohydrates then where are the carbs going? They can't go to muscle so they are going to FAT! Your morning meal makes you fatter!!

So what do we do? You most likely are going to sit in a car and go sit in an office for 8 hours or so. The only thing which needs sugar is your brain and it doesn't need much. To keep in and enhance the fat burning you are going to drink coffee and take an ephedrin or PPA and add some yohimbine. The coffee suppress blood sugar and the E and Y and PPA cause a release of noradrenaline which is a potent fat burning hormone. If you get hungry you can have a protein drink, but no sugar. Fructose goes to fat automatically and the protein keeps the glucagon level up which is another fat burner. You don't want too much protein, though or that can go to sugar which is going to go to fat, as well. What do I do for lunch? You want to stay in fat burning mode right? First let's look at what others recommend. Eat your largest meal at lunch! Absolutely and totally wrong. What happens about an hour later. You are so tired from the insulin that you can hardly think and it takes all you can do to stay awake. Not only that, but all the carbs you ate are going to fat! What did you do to deplete the liver or muscle of carbs from the morning until now? NOTHING. You sat at your desk and maybe walked across the street to buy lunch. Your muscles need nothing so it all goes to fat and you ruined your fat burning as well with the insulin from the meal. You eat a light low glycemic high fat meal, like a salad for lunch and have some more ECY and maybe another protein drink. 2 hours - 45 minutes before you are going to work out you eat a low glycemic meal like oatmeal or an apple. This is scientifically proven to improve performance and will help you burn more fat. You workout and then you get to eat! Your muscles are primed for growth and now you want the insulin to be spiked so you get more glucose and AA's into them. We also know that most if not all of the recovery substrates need to be supplied to the muscle in a two hour window and then again before 6 hours. Immediately after your workout you consume up to 400 calories in a glucose/protein drink. 2 hours later you hit the damaged muscle again with your regular meal.

Your muscles are now loaded with glucose and protein and they are waiting for you to take some ghb and go to bed so they can get some GH. That's it!. No BS. No pain.

Look at it again. You are all carbed up. In the morning you are in or near ketosis and you want to keep it there. Eating would ruin it so you don't eat and besides, the insulin and carbs from the meal have nowhere to go so any calories would just go to fat. You don't do anything strenuous in the morning so you don't eat a high carb lunch which keeps you in ketosis. Eat a low glycemic meal 45 minutes before your workout. The time to eat and recover is AFTER you have worked out and that is when and how you do it. Simple carbs and protein and then your meal. Sleep.

No expensive powders or pills or special foods. Can't get much simpler. This is now copyrighted material and I am serving notice that this cannot be reprinted, or posted, without my permission. Do it and I sue ya!

There are supplements and steps to follow to get the most out of your thyroid and liver, but that will be later. If you have something to say about this being wrong then get some science to prove it or shut up.

Just as I had science to expose the fallacies of ketogenic diets, I also have all the science to back this up. Anarchy in the USA!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 806)
posted June 16, 2000 05:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MrMuscle   Click Here to Email MrMuscle     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 70512967
aaaaaaaarrgggghhhh...people who write shit like that should be shot dead..id annpys the hell outta me when people go against methods that are tried to death and everybody knows works....using lots of fancy word just to blind usthe the truth..they dont have a clue...aaaaargggggg...

"Pain, is only weakness leaving your body"

"...damn you for not giving my TEST" - Metallica

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 146)
posted June 16, 2000 07:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for skydancer   Click Here to Email skydancer     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 76679089
hmmm - I could prove him wrong just by photos of me last year and this year. Photo last year: 3 meals, hi carb. low fat = fat body. This year: 6 meals, balanced protein, fat and carb = the fittest I've ever been and improving every day.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted June 16, 2000 08:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bikinimom   Click Here to Email bikinimom     Edit/Delete Message
As they say a picture is worth a thousand words.... Ask me for a photo, I'll leave you speechless. Go ahead, I DARE YOU!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 49)
posted June 16, 2000 09:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for renagade   Click Here to Email renagade     Edit/Delete Message
Someone was sure bored!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 820)
posted June 16, 2000 10:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FitnessChick   Click Here to Email FitnessChick     Edit/Delete Message
bikinimom, i dare you....I love seeing pics of progress....check out mine on the anabolics board.

[This message has been edited by FitnessChick (edited June 16, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted June 17, 2000 10:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bikinimom   Click Here to Email bikinimom     Edit/Delete Message
Fitness Chick I waded through an infinite sea of messages about steriod use and related topics eagerly looking for your photos. Either I blew right past (doubt it) or perhaps I went to the wrong location (message boards regarding anabolics and HIV, right?) I've got to see your photos! Please either email me or post again and if you've got a strong stomach, I might send you a photo of what I looked like at your age BEFORE kids and photos taken at my last competition - not the soft T/N/A photos posted on the site I mentioned. And not that I'm knocking any juicers. It is your body and your choice but just for the record, all of my muscle was earned naturally. Whether that fact will remained unchanged is uncertain. I make a habit of never saying never. There are only two unchangeable truths: you were born, you are going to die and you can't slither back into the hole you slid out of (I apologize if I have offended anyone by the graphic nature of my comment. Just trying to keep it real.)

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted June 17, 2000 11:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bikinimom   Click Here to Email bikinimom     Edit/Delete Message
FC - I just found the proper board and viewed your photos. (I was having a mental lapse and just couldn't navigate the site properly.) I have to say WOW, your progress is wonderful. But I have to ask, why is your head not shown in the shots? Also I would like to know if you believe that you needed the steriods to get you where you are? Were you competing? You obviously don't want to look like a guy and your development seems that it could have been reached naturally. I'm not cutting you down I just want some education.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 820)
posted June 17, 2000 11:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FitnessChick   Click Here to Email FitnessChick     Edit/Delete Message
hey bikini mom, my head isnt shown because I am a fitness model- been in mags & all, & i have admitted to as use....not a good career move to post my head.....hope ya'all understand....I made tremendous progress w/o a.s. use, but I wanted to take it to the next level for myself & to get into it as a career....I was having a hard time getting published as a smaller version of what I was....I will post a pic on this board of me b4 a.s. use, which would be after 3, almost 4 years of training hard & eating well....keep your eyes peeled next week.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 519)
posted June 17, 2000 11:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiffBoom   Click Here to Email BiffBoom     Edit/Delete Message
My bodyfat dropped from 15% to close to 8% once I started eating 5 times a day as opposed to 3 meals.

I guess I'm a freak?

PS...There are tons of fat deer and moose up here in Maine. I guess they should eat less and it will help them muscle up?

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