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  regulation of metabolism required for fat loss???

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Author Topic:   regulation of metabolism required for fat loss???
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1)
posted July 06, 2000 03:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bigirl   Click Here to Email bigirl     Edit/Delete Message
I am new at this game and some people I talked to said that the regulation of my metabolism is esential when looking for fat loss.
I was going to take lipokinatics (sorry for spelling) and they said I needed a product called gougle bolic. I am suppose to take it after i stop taking lipokinatics to regulate the metabolism through the thyroid? Is this right or just trying to increase sales?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 260)
posted July 06, 2000 05:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BackDoc     Edit/Delete Message
In a manner of speaking, your metabolism should change in order for weight loss to occur. However, depending on how old you are, you can change your metabolism by several methods: one is to increase your level of activity, another is to increase the number of small meals you eat per day, and a third is to use a supplement to help modify your metabolic rate. It sounds to me like this is the area that you are wanting help with.
Lipokinetix is a product from a reputable company (Syntrax). However, there is very little research that it is a safe product for long-term use. I personally wouldn't take it until more studies are out. I know that there are people here who take it and believe that it is perfectly safe...however the truth about it's safety is not determined at this time. To me, the risks don't justify the benefits...especially when there are other really good supplements out there to help you lose excess weight.
If you want something to help speed up your metabolism in addition to exercising and eating right, then I'd first take adipokinetix (made by Syntrax) and see if that helps you first. You'd want to take it about an hour before breakfast and again before lunch. You'll want to make sure and drink a gallon of water per day of pure water. You will also need to begin strength training (you may need to get a personal trainer or read an illustrated book first to give you an idea of what you'll do in the gym). Do not concentrate on aerobic workouts! Although they do burn fat, they burn fat only while you're doing them...whereas strength training will increase the metabolic demands of muscle tissue and result in higher degree of fat burning throughout the day--even when you are resting.

I know your question was pretty much geared for supplements only, and I apologize if I got a bit too wordy, but it sounds like you need someone to sit down with you and analyze your entire lifestyle to determine what course you should take to help you get to your ideal weight.

I've found that when people begin to depend on a pill for weight loss that they often end up gaining the weight back when they neglect the other aspects like diet and exercise.

I hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any questions in particular and I'll try and help.

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