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cutting cycle help

  1. A

    BEGINNER - About to Start Anavar & Clen Cycle

    Hi There, New to this forum and this is my first post, so please please forgive me if I may sound like a complete rookie and / or missing important details WHICH I WILL FIND OUT once someone here advises me to. Brief History: Male, 26 years of age, going on 27 next month. My maximum weight...
  2. F

    Mix winny with test or not??

    This is my third cycle. Its time to cut but it is my first time using winny. I purchased some of the milky white stanozol and when i injected i filled with winny first then the test. Is that a no no? It looked like the winny pushed the test rite back into the vile instead of loading into the...
  3. R

    Information About WInstrol Cycle.

    actually i was planning on taking winstrol but i have very little knowledge about it. can you help me out with proper cycle info,dosage,cycle length and what should i combine it with it? i have read that winstrol with prima and testa will do wonders? also can you tell me about PCT? should i do...
  4. P

    Primo sust dbol cycle please help!!!!!

    I'm a very seasoned user. I have been off everything and clean of the gym candy for over 1.5 year.. A lot for me. Iv got 6-8 cycles under my belt..all basically typical bulking cycles.. Test E Tren E anadrol, test e tren e, test e anavar etc... I'm looking to put my body to the limit, I want to...
  5. D

    Critique my cutting cycle plz

    im 31 yrs old i havnt done a cycle in 5 years and ano its late 2 start cutting but if 4 a big xmas holiday.this is my plan 1-10 test prop 100mg eod 1-10 npp 100mg eod 1-10 anavar 60mg ed 1-10 proviron 25mg ed 1-10 clen 100mg ed 2week 2 week off pct hcg, nova, clomid strict...
  6. O

    Test Prop / Stanozolol / Halo cutting cycle

    Hi guys, I have a question about a cutting cycle I'd like to start. This would be my second cycle (first was a bulking cycle with test and deca). First some stats. Age: 30 Weight: 160lbs Height: 5'5" BF: 18% I have been training for 13 years on and off. I listened when they told me I was too...
  7. P

    New to this. Need advice on cutting!

    Hey hows it goin? I've recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes but as of late have almost reversed it with diet and excercise and my blood levels are getting close to being in the normal range. My issue is this. I'm 6'6 235 pds and have seem to hit a plateau as far as weight loss (was...
  8. crulexis

    What's better for a Cutting cycle?

    What's better for a 6 week cutting cycle? 24, 205Pounds, 13% Wanna drop to under 8%.. Out of these products HellaDrol * 25MG's Pills Beastdrol Epi-Strong Katanadrol Also stacked with T3/Clen proper dosage ... etc... I was thinking Hella + Epi-Strong or Hella + Kata :chomp: or Shredder...
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