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Recent content by The Specialist

  1. The Specialist

    Gaining far ealry in first cycle

    The test and deca both will take 3-4 weeks to fully kick in. If you suddenly add alot of calories before the gear kicks in, what do you think will happen? The additional carbs in your diet could also be making you retain more water than normal, every gram of carbs is stored with 4 grams of...
  2. The Specialist

    HGH Question, for those who have.

    Only reason I don't do it is the price. With moderate-dose, long-term administration, the sides are usually negligible and the benefit quite tangible. Maybe in a few years if I'm a chief medical officer of some type in a hospital and have access to friendly dr.'s and lots of money, i'll hit it...
  3. The Specialist

    Hey bruce, what's up? I'm assuming you're the Bruce410 I knew a few years back, if not my...

    Hey bruce, what's up? I'm assuming you're the Bruce410 I knew a few years back, if not my apologies! You used to know me as Tux I think... so what's going on? I've been out of the loop for a while, the girl I was engaged to made me give up gear, but I eventually got rid of her and I'm trying...
  4. The Specialist

    What is your favorite anabolic steroid and why?

    Well, the biggest, fullest, strongest, physique I ever achieved was simply 800mg/week of test enth for 10 weeks. Sure I held some water, but my bodyfat was only 10% and I was lifting weights I've not come close to since! Can't wait till I can hop on my next 1g/week of enth cycle... with maybe...
  5. The Specialist

    How much tren you guys taking ew?

    100mg/ed of tren ace, or 700mg/week....600mg/week of tren enth. The tren enth was definitely more potent once the 4th week kicked in the the blood-levels hit the peak... man I could barely walk 100 yards without getting insane shin and calf pumps, and could barely get halfway through a back or...
  6. The Specialist

    Don't forget your TEST Peeps

    Re: Don't forget your TEST Peeps+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ Agree... test is the base hormone that most steroids are derived from, and the main one that is suppressed during exogenous administration of said steroids. Even if you don't really like test or have bad...
  7. The Specialist

    The Specialist saying hello!

    Hey guys( and gals, I know there are a few here!). Just wanted to introduce myself briefly. I've read boards(this one in particular) for a long time, but this is my first time to join one. I've been in and around the game for quite a few years and accumulated quite a bit of knowledge which I...
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