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Recent content by rwdj

  1. R

    Elite fitness athletes

    Im sorry,but I respectfully disagree. If they were worthless athletes and bodybuilders would have never started using them more than half a century ago.If they were worthless NOBODY would use them.If they were worthless they wouldnt be illegal.
  2. R

    Elite fitness athletes

    I mean this guy told me it made him faster and stronger than the african american backs on his team..he had my UNDIVIDED attention at that point. Believe me I would love to seek counsel from someone I know but I CANT have a single loose end. This is why I love boards.
  3. R

    Elite fitness athletes

    That goes against everything I was just told on another board and just now from an old teammate over for the game with experience (DO NOT want this joker to know what Im getting ready to far as he knows Im just asking questions..POSITIVE he would rat..its why I use boards) Do you guys...
  4. R

    Elite fitness athletes

    Dead set on testosterone and maybe dianabol..Just wondering how hard you can push it on could I get away with sprints 5 days a week and be fresh every day?
  5. R

    Elite fitness athletes

    I wont be tested..they dont test in independent ball..the only way I see myself being tested is if I get picked up at the end or after this season.. Im really more interested in finding out what training is like while on. How it feels the day after a long day of training..sprints and weights.
  6. R

    Elite fitness athletes

    Thanks..25 going on 26,5'10 190,lifting seriously since freshman year of baseball player..4 years affiliated..going indy this year..just off of wrist surgery.
  7. R

    Elite fitness athletes

    and for extra clarification I know that steroids aren't magic..I would just like to be able to train harder than the average man on cycle..not looking for magic..any athletes out there that can share how AAS helped their training?
  8. R

    Elite fitness athletes

    I feel like a young Tony Montana..thanks for the reply..Im really just looking for experienced athletes who have trained with AAS
  9. R

    Elite fitness athletes

    First and foremost thanks for the guidance so far. My question is this,how do you guys recover on test. Are the recovery benefits so profound that you can train giving your ALL and then feel fresh enough to do it all over again the next day; Could I RUN MYSELF INTO THE GROUND with sprints and...
  10. R

    Test propionate injection questions

    I thought 4 months...
  11. R

    Test propionate injection questions

    Not subject to testing at the moment,my league doesnt conduct it..however Im trying to catch on with my previous employers league and they do test. Ill run the E and cross my fingers and cross the testing bridge when I get there..E seems so much simpler.
  12. R

    Test propionate injection questions

    Rev are you saying that prop injections MUST be rotated outside of glutes? Does ANYONE have experience ONLY using glutes?
  13. R

    Test propionate injection questions

    I may sound like a pussy with this but I hit everyday..a few hundred swings..and throw long toss..I cant even imagine what that would be like after pinning delts.
  14. R

    Test propionate injection questions

    I was thinking about running a test and dbol cycle using dbol at beginning and end..THREW THAT IDEA OUT THE WINDOW after counsel and further research.. Now,Im debating running a plain test/dbol kickstart cycle using either enanthate at 500mg for 10 to 12 weeks OR propionate at 100 to 150mg EOD...
  15. R

    Humble pro athlete just recovered from injury

    what exactly is wrong my pct..I want to fix it and get this right.This is TOO important to screw up. The reason I chose nolva for my pct over clomid is because I have read that clomid can negatively effect vision (VERY IMPORTANT TO ME).Has anyone experienced this? Also,what dosage of anavar do...
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