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Recent content by new_to_this

  1. N

    calculating dosage

    Hey columbo, thanks for the advice. I do eat eggs - just the whites! I sometimes have 6 egg whites for breakfast. Lean beef is good - will add that to my shopping list. I also eat lots of pilchards/tuna/salmon/sardines. Think my diet is pretty lean tbh - just need to gauge how many calories I...
  2. N

    calculating dosage

    Did anybody read my first message? I dont mean to sound rude but the one question I asked did not get covered by anyone here. Tren E 250 10ml vial - how do you calculate correct dosage based upon weight?
  3. N

    calculating dosage

    training routine: Mondays chest tue back wed legs thu delts abs x1 per week for half an hour
  4. N

    calculating dosage

    thanks for the replies everyone. Answers, as requested:- I am 34. I read that Tren is a cutting tool (as well as a mass builder). I have run cycles before. Last year I did Tren E with Test for 6 weeks. Great Results (mass and power). Before that I ran Tren E on its own - great results not...
  5. N

    calculating dosage

    Hello everyone. I am 6'1", 80kg, 12%bf I realise that many of you will think "wtf is he doing considering anablic steroids!" I am not a body builder in the sense that I do not want to grow massive. I want a super chiselled look. Solid mid section, more defined chest and bigger arms and legs...
  6. N


    Hi All, First of all I realise that Clenbuterol is not a steroid, strictly speaking, so I apologise for this thread apprearing here; I was not sure where else to post this question I have! I am looking to purchase good quality strong clenbuterol. The catch is that I want to use PAYPAL or...
  7. N

    Hey Glennds! I saw your post re stacking tren e and test. It sounds like you know what you are...

    Hey Glennds! I saw your post re stacking tren e and test. It sounds like you know what you are talking about and others seem to agree with you. I have ordered these items (2 bottles of each to begin with as i have little money!) I have been training for 2 or 3 years now and I have hit a...
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