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Recent content by mojeas95

  1. M

    Cardio, yes or no while on??

    even for hard gainers, I heard somewhere that when ur on the sauce, it is good to do at least some cardio while on, I heard it gets the blood flowing, helps the juice get going, dont know if thats true, but I always try to get at least 30 to 45 min a week of cardio in for me. and Im a hard...
  2. M

    Running gear and being a recovering addict?

    same here, and im ok!
  3. M

    They said never but the wife is prego

    awesome! yea the first ultrasound was crazy, it really didnt hit me till my son was born tho, I will tell the story real quick, I was only 19 I was scared, I was broke, I wanted that baby to stay in my girl and never come out! She was in so much pain that she had to have her labor induced...
  4. M

    need some input,,,

    I ran my mast prop at 100mg EOD. it was in conjuction with a couple others like test and eq, but overall i felt it was a good dose, didnt have ne sides, seemed pretty good actually. I would say if its your first time with mast go with 100mg EOD then at least u can bump it up from there. I ran...
  5. M

    who.s used Masteron?

    I used it in my cycle, last summer, i used mast prop at 100mg eod, and yes it was amazing how hard I was...I was ripped, well still am, and felt like I was made of steel wool, it was insane, but I was also on winny eq and test e and tbol at the time soooooo I hope this helps. By the way, my...
  6. M

    who.s used Masteron?

  7. M

    what did arnold take?

    I heard arnold just used dat der cell tech...
  8. M

    Favorite 2 choices for gear

    my two faves are eq and tren...
  9. M

    Did you like EQ?

    Its prolly my favorite compound, Im going to run it with test prop and mast prop and winny for my next cycle and cant wait...
  10. M

    What chest routine works best for you?

    I was reading big into mike mentzer a couple months back and he really stressed doing Dips for chest, he even compared it to doing squats for legs, so I started doing dips twice a week once on mondays which is my chest day, and once on fridays, for 3 sets, on mondays I do wieghted dips, and...
  11. M

    Bad Cramps!!!

    pshh I wish I knew the answer to that bro, Im on a totally diff cycle and im gettin bad cramps in my fore arms, so bad that after doing curls I cant even let the bar go for like 30secs till the cramps go forearms just lock up, its painful, but thats theonly spot ive been gettin em...if...
  12. M

    Beverly International vs. Muscle Milk

    first I liked the chocolate banana crunch muscle milk, now im stuck on the blueberrys and cream.... I feel like I am drinking a freaking five star milshake when I drink that shit... even my four year old likes to drink it...sometimes he drinks half my damn shaker and I get pissed lol...
  13. M

    bi's wont grow

    my biceps got stuck for a period of time, then I started doing negatives, especialy negatives on the preacher curls, and ever since then they been growing... hope this helps...
  14. M

    Appetite Suppressants

    sorry I dont know of ne supps im sure someone will chime in, but I can tell ya that drinking water or juice when I get a hunger craving often helps me alot when Im tryin to drop calls, often the body confuses the signal for hunger with the signal for thirst, so maybe that might help ya along the...
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