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  Dear Jebus, This is that Mormon guy. What do I do now....?

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Author Topic:   Dear Jebus, This is that Mormon guy. What do I do now....?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted August 03, 2000 02:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FakingIt     Edit/Delete Message
Okay so you have read my post and know my basic position in life. So any recommendations on what to do? My wife and I do not fight much - we like each other, but don't love each other. I much prefer work. But I do not want to see things be bad for her, and would like her to be happy. But I want out of the Mormon church and don't want to hear anything about it again.

The problem is, I know if I punt the church my marraige would soon disintegrate. I would be telling my kids, don't listen to that crap. If/when it falls apart she will move back to her parents. She could not hold a job most likely, at least not anything substantial. I have a new business that is supporting us, but at this point is not going to allow good child support while supporting me also. Thats a big problem with divorce, - where there used to be one rent there is now two, where there was one electric bill there is now two etc. Her parents live about 3,000 miles away.

I have never been in romantic love before. There have been girls I have been interested in but they did not feel the same towards me, or vice versa- the girls interested in me I did not like. I probably would have never gotten married if my stake president had not commanded it. The only people I have ever loved - really deep down loved - is my children. It would damn near kill me not to be around them. I also don't want them to grow up being indoctrinated by the Mormon bunk - so that my intelligent talented daughters think they should only be baby machines (and not educated talented mothers - or maybe no kids if that is what they want). And I don't want my son being the dork I was in my 20's. I was some squeeky clean non-fucking non-masterbating non-drinking nerd. I wasn't bad looking , I got asked to be an exotic dancer - but I was WAYYYYY to square to do that. I did not date girls who were not Mormon (LDS). When my son turns 21 I would love to take him to a strip club. I have never been to a strip club, but would like to see what that is all about.

BTW, a younger friend of mine just called me. he went to Mexico today. I am going to be getting big soon I think. Better late (I am in my late 30's) than never.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 689)
posted August 03, 2000 02:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for THE STEEL BEAST   Click Here to Email THE STEEL BEAST     Edit/Delete Message



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moe dank
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1392)
posted August 03, 2000 09:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for moe dank   Click Here to Email moe dank     Edit/Delete Message
save me jebus!!!!!!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted August 04, 2000 12:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FakingIt     Edit/Delete Message
I'm serious guys. I am unhappy with this situation and in large part due to my limited life background my options seem limited. I would appreciate your different suggestions if for no other reason then they might give me a different point of view, and lead me to some better ideas that those I have. I would like some input on how to solve this delima.

[This message has been edited by FakingIt (edited August 04, 2000).]

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moe dank
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1392)
posted August 04, 2000 10:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for moe dank   Click Here to Email moe dank     Edit/Delete Message
religion is no way to live your life. Break away from the church and shake off your brainwashing. Live your life as if this is all you have.......live goddamn it, live!

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Thick dog
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1451)
posted August 04, 2000 10:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Thick dog     Edit/Delete Message
How could you not masturbate?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1595)
posted August 04, 2000 10:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MrMuscle   Click Here to Email MrMuscle     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 70512967
i second TDs question...HOW???

"Pain, is just weakness leaving your body"

"...damn you for not giving my TEST" - Metallica

"After this show i'll be fat and happy again.....If i make it to the show...." - Lee Priest

"Lets put some weight on the bar.." - Shawn Ray

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 18)
posted August 04, 2000 10:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PimpAssMoFo   Click Here to Email PimpAssMoFo     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 69696969
You bitch and moan about the Mormon church and how all those people made your life horrible by telling you what to do... and now you want us to tell you what to do? Time to grow up and take charge of your own life. Do what you think is right. Do what you want to do. I used to be a member of that church, up until three years ago. Then I made the decision to start living my life a different way. I don't have any problems with the church because I was living my own life the whole time I was in it and I'm still doing that now, just outside the church. If you're that desperate for someone to tell you what to do, maybe you should stay in that church.

[This message has been edited by PimpAssMoFo (edited August 04, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 534)
posted August 04, 2000 11:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BIG RICK ROCK   Click Here to Email BIG RICK ROCK     Edit/Delete Message
What the...???????

the girl that I'm trying to hook up with now is Mormon!!!
well I'm not Mormon I actualy don't even belive in religion.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 200)
posted August 04, 2000 12:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigTruck   Click Here to Email BigTruck     Edit/Delete Message
Wow. You are in a really tough place. I don't think there is a solution to your situation that will be equitable for all. There must have been something that attracted you to your wife at some point. You're sure you never loved her? If you did/do maybe there is a chance for open communication between you two. Maybe there is a chance to fall back into love. One thing that won't help is keeping it all bottled up inside. Are there any branches of the Mormon religion that are less strict than what you are currently used to? Maybe if your wife understands the danger that your marriage is in she'd consider attending a less-strict church with you and in turn, this might start the process of opening her eyes to other possibilities in life. I know you don't want to be there, but you've got kids involved and you at least owe it to them to try. Especially if you love them as you say you do.

If that doesn't work out, you might consider getting custody of the kids, though this may be hard because you'd have to prove that your wife is an unfit mother.

It 'd be alot easier if there weren't kids involved. Do some soul searching. Start a journal. Try talking openly -- without accusations or defense mechanisms. When it comes down to it, the kids should come first, you second. You just have to decide how that applies to you. Good luck.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 489)
posted August 04, 2000 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for slabcat   Click Here to Email slabcat     Edit/Delete Message
Bro I've been around the mormons for twelve years now and I know for a fact they're not as bad as you say. I even attend their church occasionally. Sorry to flame but quit being such a fucking pussy about this. If you want to stay with your wife stay with the church and just half ass it. Don't accept any callings from the church,don't go to the weekly activities either. I know you won't be excommunicated for this, just won't be the most popular member in the ward. All you have to do is sit through church for three hours every Sunday and 30-45 minutes of that is spent waiting for sacrament. So you just have to listen to two hours of church business. Which isn't that bad to do and I say this as a non member. If this is the main problem in your marriage your lucky because three hours a week to please your wife is one hell of a deal. But honestly it sounds to me that your problems with your wife go beyond religion. Might want to spend more time thinking about all the problems and see what you need to do. I think blaming the LDS church is a cop out. Good Luck bro. By the way do you know the difference between LSD and LDS.....You can recover from LSD not the LDS church.

Someday we will meet in a place where there is no darkness, or S-police!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 131)
posted August 05, 2000 12:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 5setsofsix   Click Here to Email 5setsofsix     Edit/Delete Message
Have you talked to your wife about any of this? There is always the chance that she isnt thrilled about the church either and might go along with changing your life style. I dont normally give advice being the screwed up individual that I am but since you asked, my advice is to start the ball rolling by talking to your wife. (just dont mention the part about leaving her).

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted August 06, 2000 02:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FakingIt     Edit/Delete Message
Darn. My computer has been acting up and I can only read every other message. The other ones are completely blacked out for some reason. I would like to hear what you say.

I have talked to my wife about leaving the church. She still loves it. But she respects my decision to leave it, and has heard what I have to say about my feelings regarding : women, etc. She does not agree with me. I don't think she sees the possible conflicts yet regarding the children (whose right and whose wrong etc), and other issues. It is easy for my wife to go into denial and sublimate her feelings. She got run over about 12 years back - ruptured her lungs, broke her leg in like 30 pieces - but she never felt any anger over it. She had been a proffessional ballerina. I think it is unnatural to have that happen and not feel anger. So I think she is not realizing the consequences of all this.

note #1 : I am not looking for someone to tell me what to do. I have had ALOT of that. Thats the problem. As a result my view of life is really limited. I know that what we can concieve or imagine is based in part on what we have experienced. My experiences have been limited, so what I can imagine doing is limited. I am not looking to be told what to do, I am looking for possibilities so that I can pick one - or sythesize an even newer possible course of action by combining two idea presented here. I want to consider as many options as possible before I decide on a course of action. I don't want to snap my fingers 6 months from now and say "Drat, I could have done that if only I thought about it"

Note #2 : not masterbating option is wet dreams. I was Told not to masterbate so I did not.

[This message has been edited by FakingIt (edited August 06, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by FakingIt (edited August 06, 2000).]

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(Total posts: 1280)
posted August 06, 2000 10:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MattTheSkywalker   Click Here to Email MattTheSkywalker     Edit/Delete Message
This is a little weird, I know, but maybe relevant. I don't know much about Mormon-ism except what you told me.

Someone I know was part of a religious cult in Indiana. They believed in prayer healing and shunned doctors, etc. They became well-known when a child in the cult died from a very treatable condition.

Prior to that, "Ed" was a father of 6, and the whole family was in the cult. "Ed" had bad eyesight, but the cult's laws prevented him from getting it treated.

Finally, "Ed" got fed up with not being able to see well, and went to a doctor. He got glasses and then he could see fine. Naturally, the cult was enraged. They turned their backs on "Ed" and tried to manipulate his family into hating him.

For a few weeks, even his family turned on him. Such can be the power of these (to me irrational) beliefs.

Finally "Ed" said to them, "Look. I am leaving, with or without you".

His family left with him, moved to Florida, and now Ed makes 100K plus as a computer programmer.

His children are all normal. His oldest daughter, the one I know, is 23, attractive, ntelligent and well adjusted. You would never know unless she told you.


FakingIt, although your situation is a little different, it is not unrelated.

You have kids and you have a responsibility to them. I think you need to have a long discussion with your wife about leaving together.

Can she survive outside of the Mormon world? Is she well educated or is she the stereotypical Mormon "baby maker"? Is she frustrated with the situation as well? Does she understand that people do actually get married for other reasons than populating a church?

How would leaving the church change her? Is it feasible? I know you can't sit around and hope she will change, but you still owe your best efforts to your kids.

I guess what I am saying is that the best course of action would be for you to take the entire family away from the church and try to maintain some sort of family.

I know you want to try new things and live life unencumbered, but I can't advocate leaving your family.

email me if you want - I would like to hear more but I understand if you are less than eager to post it all.


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