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  My opinion on respect.

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Author Topic:   My opinion on respect.
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 135)
posted July 26, 2000 05:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cm3504jm   Click Here to Email cm3504jm     Edit/Delete Message
I realize opinions are like assholes-everybody has one.

1. Brumans2- I think the reason that everybody gets ballistic is that for a 12 y/o(If he truly is one)has a long time to earn respect from older folks. To myself, his posts exhibit an attitude that he deserves respect and therefore demands it. Not gonna happen overnight.

2. Women- While I realize that 99.9% of the men on this board are the alpha type male, There is a marked discrepency in what a man wants from a woman vs how they treat a woman.
Seems like most men want to settle down with a virgin, but also want the freedom to sow their seeds on whatever free-spirited female happens to cross their paths. Maybe its just me, but using the term "bitch" to describe a female (you know, the type that gave you life) sounds feral. Thats just me.

Anyhow, I've always been taught to treat people the way you want them to treat you. Some people I hate (men and women) and I don't mind them hating me, and it shows. But I have found that respect for myself and my respect from others comes from that simple statement.

Unless an asshole really deserves it, let it pass and use your anger to motivate yourself to a higher level.

Respect is earned, not given.

"If you stand by the river long enough, you will watch the bodies of your enemies float by"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1363)
posted July 26, 2000 05:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MrMuscle   Click Here to Email MrMuscle     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 70512967
right on bro

"Pain, is only weakness leaving your body"

"...damn you for not giving my TEST" - Metallica

"After this show i'll be fat and happy again.....If i make it to the show...." - Lee Priest

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 39)
posted July 26, 2000 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for davidg   Click Here to Email davidg     Edit/Delete Message
Respect has to be earned. Way too much emphasis is put on looks and superficial facades. You can be born rich and or beautiful. That doesn't mean shit.

But if you work hard and contribute something that helps- then respect is and always should be given.

People are going to be rude no matter who you are.

So most important respect yourself. Because you are the only one who really notices and cares.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 471)
posted July 26, 2000 05:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for skydancer   Click Here to Email skydancer     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 76679089
Well said - respect for yourself is definately most important of all. You are only disrespecting yourself when you are disrespecting others.

Though there is a lot said in fun and games on this board - most of the "alpha" type responses I read I know are bs...so it all should be taken with a grain of salt too!

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.

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The Whole F/N Show
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 299)
posted July 26, 2000 05:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The Whole F/N Show   Click Here to Email The Whole F/N Show     Edit/Delete Message
I know I don't want to settle to down with a virgin. I can't speak for all men but why would you want to settle down with a chick who doesn't know what the hell she's doing in bed. If you settle down with a virgin you might end with a chick who's lousy in bed. I think some recently posted saying he was in just that situation.

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The Dude
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 134)
posted July 26, 2000 07:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The Dude   Click Here to Email The Dude     Edit/Delete Message
Amen dude! "Do unto others..." is the way to live your life. If nothing else, I know I have learned that one thing.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 93)
posted July 26, 2000 07:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mrbill   Click Here to Email mrbill     Edit/Delete Message
F/N Show, bro all you have to do is train them right. Just imagine that they are like a piece of clay that you can sculpt into any form you desire.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 712)
posted July 26, 2000 07:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Checkmatebloated   Click Here to Email Checkmatebloated     Edit/Delete Message
what he said!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 270)
posted July 26, 2000 07:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kaisersosay   Click Here to Email Kaisersosay     Edit/Delete Message
Well put.Is it just me are more and more kids you see nowadays have no respect for there parents.I love my parents.I could never disrespect them.I always see kids cursing or yelling at there parents.whats up with that?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 402)
posted July 26, 2000 09:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rexie317   Click Here to Email Rexie317     Edit/Delete Message
Kaiser: Kids do respect their parents less and less. Me on the other hand do respect them. If ya wanna read about disrespecting your parents check out my post "damn...." thats prett damn disrespectful to alot of people

Winners make promises, losers make excuses.

" When the odds are against me I prove them wrong, when all else fails I succeed, when all else ceases to live I breath, when all turns to ashes from it I rise, so it doesn't matter what you throw at me or what you do, I am, I do, that's all that matters."
-The Iron Tank.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 337)
posted July 26, 2000 09:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bikinimom   Click Here to Email bikinimom     Edit/Delete Message
The reason why you see this is lack of respect is, because for some reason unknown to me (actually, I do know, but that is a whole 'nuther topic) these parents have not taught their children discipline, self-control and self-respect, hence the children have no concept of respecting ANYONE! The parents are their children's primary role models. If the children are not taught these most basic rules of behaviour they have a hard road ahead of them indeed. Maybe these children might get lucky and get a teacher or camp counselor or baby-sitter - some grown-up that will be able instill these values in them before they end up in a gang, prison, or dead.

As for the sad excuses for parents, I think somebody should send their sorry behinds to military school or boot camp or something so they THEMSELVES can learn some discipline, and self-respect so that they can salvage the remains of their sorry lives.

Perhaps I may sound harsh - the sun hasn't set in my day so perhaps I shouldn't "brag" about how well it's going. No brag here. I have two parents who sacrificed much to give me the best they could. I don't agree with everything they did or said, but I WOULD NEVER TREAT MY PARENTS THE WAY I HAVE SEEN MANY 6 YEAR OLDS DO ON A REGULAR BASIS - AND WORSE YET, THE PARENTS DO NOTHING TO RECTIFY THE SITUATION! and I can say with near certainty (No, I don't have a crystal ball. Ultimately, when my children are grown they will be responsible for their own behavior.) as there is breath in my body, my children will never behave in such a fashion!

My oldest daughter is nearly eight and she is quickly approaching my height. When I ask her why she must listen to what I tell her, her initial response is because I am bigger and stronger than she is. And my answer is, "When the time comes and you are a forty-some-odd year old ADULT with children of your own and I have to stand on a chair and point my finger up toward your face while I am telling you something you must listen for the same reason that you must listen to me now ....it is because I AM YOUR MOTHER." Does this mean that I am always right? NO. This only means that because I have always given her the respect even as a child to hear her out - she MUST in turn hear what I am saying and even if she does not agree all she can say is, "Yes, MAMI!"

Of course, as time passes and my children will no longer need me to function in a disciplinary capacity, but will need me to be their friend - this will change - but even then, I will always be their MOTHER.

I may not be perfect, but I do live each day trying to be someone that my family can look up to and respect. It is with this that I hope the circle will not be broken.

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Future One
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 62)
posted July 26, 2000 09:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Future One     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 5410509
cm3504jm - I agree 100% with you buddy!

As for wanting a virgin, I'm a virgin, and I expect the same of any girl I meet.

I don't care if anyone thinks I'm lame or something because I never been with a girl before, the truth to me is that anyone can have sex, but not everyone can jab a needle up their ass, or get up at 6am to work out, these are things I'm proud of...

(If you only get to go around once, then you might as well
go around with REALLY BIG ARMS...)

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 447)
posted July 26, 2000 10:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for kram696969   Click Here to Email kram696969     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 15497701
good shit bro...

just do'in my best...

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