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  If Golfers are athletes, so's your mailman

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Author Topic:   If Golfers are athletes, so's your mailman
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 96)
posted July 20, 2000 07:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bjaarki   Click Here to Email Bjaarki     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry 'bout this, but I gotta get this off my chest.

Anybody on the boards who hates golf and golfing as much as I do? Man, I just detest that shit! All the guys my age (49) think that a great workout is hauling their fat asses around nine holes with a three beer, two cigar limit. It's really depressing how popular golfing is getting, even among kids! Two days ago I was driving across campus and saw, what? Musta been 100 kids, I mean LITTLE kids, all decked out in Jack Nicklaus outfits, waiting for a bus to take them to golf camp. Golf Camp, for Chrissakes! Not a gymnastics room, not a climbing wall, not even a swimming pool. A GOLF CAMP! FOR LITTLE KIDS! Made me wanna puke! I know this isn't rational, but this yuppy golf/cigar/bobo bullshit really pisses me off!

Anybody else?


"'Til the weard of the world, stands, unforgotten,
high under Heaven, the hero's name." - Hrolf Krakki's Saga (Iceland)


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 516)
posted July 20, 2000 07:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cleaner   Click Here to Email Cleaner     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 8790283
I'll have to take you to the next show club outing - I think you might like golf then.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 576)
posted July 20, 2000 07:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Romeo   Click Here to Email Romeo     Edit/Delete Message
hey b do you consider garbage men athletes

peace romeo

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 20, 2000 07:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scott825     Edit/Delete Message
Heres another post thats gonna turn into nothing but a flame fest.

Weights before dates

Bros before Hos

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted July 20, 2000 08:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 10cc     Edit/Delete Message
Don't blame the game, bro..just some of the actions of people who give it that image. Actually it is a very hard, challenging game.
I used to work in a factory that made golf clubs and got so sick of being around them I never want to see one again. But I know what you are talking about. I had this hard core bodybuilder buddy who got a job in a major corporation. Overnight he went yuppie on everyone, quit lifting and started to take up golfing he said "I LOVE the game" (never did before) he then began "jogging", as well as wearing the requisite round wire-rim glasses. Then came the cigar thing too, something to do while he was seated in the corporate box at the ballpark.(he always hated baseball as well) Anyway, it's kinda like hunters or bikers or rottwilers or guns..don't let a few jerks give the sport a bad name.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 516)
posted July 20, 2000 08:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cleaner   Click Here to Email Cleaner     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 8790283
I must be weird
I hunt - every chance I get.
I own alot of guns - a whole dam lot.
Love big dog's
and grew up with bikers.
Yeah and I golf but fuck it I'll talk on the tee box. I'm bigger than they are and hit the ball a hell of a lot farther.

That whats great to each his own.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 363)
posted July 20, 2000 08:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Natymike     Edit/Delete Message
well, Golf is one sport that you can play all of your life, and I did attend several golf camps when I was younger, and now I'm alot better than I thought I would be.

Fear creates danger, and courage dispels it.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted July 21, 2000 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sammythebull   Click Here to Email sammythebull     Edit/Delete Message
I used to think just like you did untill I took some time and started playing I fell in love with the game. I am also a hardcore motocrosser and into wakeboarding, skydiving, and snowboarding. So don't judge unless you have tried it. It is true you don't need alot of physical strength to play but it takes a hell of alot a skill and you will never master the game as long as you live.

"Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused"

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 21, 2000 10:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dlady27     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 66764840


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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 21, 2000 11:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for havoc   Click Here to Email havoc     Edit/Delete Message
Golf is a sport I believe, its pretty damn difficult and much respect is held to those who can play it.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 96)
posted July 21, 2000 02:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bjaarki   Click Here to Email Bjaarki     Edit/Delete Message
Okay, then it IS just me who hates golfers, hunh?

I'm disappointed in all you bros, but I'll shut up now.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 663)
posted July 21, 2000 02:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FlexB   Click Here to Email FlexB     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71392430
I don't HATE golfers, but I does look extremely boring.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 31)
posted July 21, 2000 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CONAN     Edit/Delete Message
Personally I think golf is a joke! Right up there with "sports" like ping pong and billards.

But then again...what do I know, I have about $5000 tied up in fishing rods/reels/lures.

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted July 21, 2000 03:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Puc   Click Here to Email Puc     Edit/Delete Message
Golf is silly.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 96)
posted July 21, 2000 03:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bjaarki   Click Here to Email Bjaarki     Edit/Delete Message

But NOBODY calls fisherman athletes! Nobody thinks a day by the pond is the equivalent of a workout! There is no Olympic flycasting team!

Sure it takes skill to golf, but no more than it takes skill to sew, or to play the piano, for cryin' out loud! What I can't stand is these fat fucks who trundle around in their golf carts, stocked up with all kinda gear (no pun intended) and stuff, and then have the BALLS to put that up as evidence when you ask them whether or not they workout. Please! Like my buddy says, "If golfers are athletes, so's your mailman!"

Well, there you got me started again. No this whole thing of mine is NOT rationale, but a man's gotta hate what a man's gotta hate, no?

I'm now signing off this thread.


"'Til the weard of the world, stands, unforgotten,
high under Heaven, the hero's name." - Hrolf Krakki's Saga (Iceland)


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 553)
posted July 21, 2000 04:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Frackal   Click Here to Email Frackal     Edit/Delete Message
It's along the same lines as bowling...you wouldn't call a bowler an athlete would you? There is not much of a physical challenge in swinging a club, driving 50 yards, then swinging it again. Maybe that's why golf is so popular among old people eh? Golfers are not really athletes* IMO.

*That's not to say it doesn't take, skill, but like someone else said, it's more like piano playing then marathon running.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 975)
posted July 21, 2000 04:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Slopain   Click Here to Email Slopain     Edit/Delete Message
I don't care what its labeled. It a great game, you can't just go out once and not like it - its like bud you don't quit smoking it after the first time ya didn't get high. The better you become the funner the game. Hard as hell. Discouraging at times and exciting at times.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 576)
posted July 21, 2000 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Romeo   Click Here to Email Romeo     Edit/Delete Message
i have played golf what a hard game that is ...i shot a 68 on the front 9 on this course by me

peace romeo

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 194)
posted July 21, 2000 04:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Painkiller   Click Here to Email Painkiller     Edit/Delete Message
Hey B, have you ever tried golf?? I think it's a great game and I even combine it with my cutting program. When I wake up I take proteins and eca/clen, then I'm on my way to the golfcourse. If I play all 18 holes, I'm walking about 9000 meters, and I also do the course as fast(walking of course) as I can. A great way to get rid of some extra fat.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 742)
posted July 21, 2000 05:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for goleafs   Click Here to Email goleafs     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 64961519
golfers ARE athletes , have you ever had to walk up to 10000 metres in the blazing hot sun all the while straining your back?? if youve never tried it , dont knock it.
besides , i bet all those "psuedo" athletes earn twenty times what youll ever dream of making.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 267)
posted July 21, 2000 05:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Peanut   Click Here to Email Peanut     Edit/Delete Message
Golf is a great game. You may not have to be an excellent athlete to play but many of the greatest athletes are golfers: Michael Jordan, Julius Erving, John Elway just to name a few.

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Basement Dweller
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 42)
posted July 21, 2000 08:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Basement Dweller   Click Here to Email Basement Dweller     Edit/Delete Message
Ok, this post pissed me off. Golf is a sport. A very difficult sport. It requires incredible skill, and mental toughness. Sure, any blowhard can go out and hack a 120 on the local municipal course... Try shooting 78 on a championship track...good luck, I'll see you in about 10 years. I will admit that it's not a strenuous workout, and those fat cigar smoking, beer guzzling bastards are giving the rest of us a bad name.... What cracks me up, is that most of them have $3000 worth of bag and clubs, and can't break 90. End of rant.


Basement Dweller

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 148)
posted July 21, 2000 08:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scooby   Click Here to Email scooby     Edit/Delete Message

I don't know, my mailman is pretty buff.

Give me the wisdom to know what is right
And give me the courage to do what is right

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(Total posts: 1209)
posted July 22, 2000 12:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MattTheSkywalker   Click Here to Email MattTheSkywalker     Edit/Delete Message
Golf ios like baseball - it's easy to say the players are not athletic until you consider what they are trying to do.

The pros make it look easy - they never fuck up and then when they do, they hit a great shot to fix it....

OK - they're not the biggest and strongest - but athletes, yes.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 194)
posted July 22, 2000 01:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mystic_hormones   Click Here to Email mystic_hormones     Edit/Delete Message
golf sucks and sucks hard. I hate it I've played it. it is boring. I feel like throwing those dumb fat fools on the ground the shoving those irons up their ace then put a gun to their head and make them deadlift 315 or squat 405. if they can do that then they can play their sissy game.

I feel for you B.

...And the crowd goes wild!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 350)
posted July 22, 2000 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lexicon   Click Here to Email lexicon     Edit/Delete Message
Pro bodybuilders are athletes? No way. They take more drugs (not including) AS than a junkie. They have no speed, agility or any athletic ability. Watching a group of pro bodybuilders play any sport would be a comedy show. They are some of the most unhealthy people on the earth.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 381)
posted July 22, 2000 04:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rexie317   Click Here to Email Rexie317     Edit/Delete Message
I divide sports into 2 categories. Contact(constant hitting), and non-contact(very little hitting...closer to none at all).

Golf is a pretty cool game, that can be boring, but if ya got a bunch of your friends with ya and you're laughin and shit, then it makes it fun as hell.

Contact sports such as boxing, football, and ice hockey are what most sports lovers call "real" sports b/c of the physical strength and skill it takes. Those are the hardcore athletes of the world.

Non-contact sports such as baseball are cool. (Especially with the bench clearing brawls in MLB).

Now to the sport I absolutly despise with a passion. Not flamimg, just calling it like I see it.
Soccer (sorry but I don't consider people occasionally running into each other enough contact to be in the contact sport category) I dont see how someone who plays soccer can consider themselves a hardcore athlete. They may train hard for their sport but it sure as hell dont make them a hardcore athletes. The most that can happen to them is occasionally run into another player or get hit with the ball. I know someone who plays soccer and talks like its the roughest sport in the world. They said "Oh I can get hit with the ball." Well boo-fucking-hoo. Its an air-filled piece of synthetic material that isn't moving that fast. Try getting hit by constant blows to the head or hit with a friggin frozen piece of rubber coming at you at over 70 mph (and not being the goalie), or havin a 200+ lb defensive lineman crashing down on your ass. That hurts a hell of alot more than some soccer ball. And how the hell are the scores so low with a net that big and also have the field be that big and still move at a slow pace?(Ever see the Simpsons when they went to the soccer game?) For those who play soccer...thats fine, but please do not put yourselves into the same category as boxers, and hockey & football players on terms of physical strength needed for the sport.

Winners make promises, losers make excuses.

" When the odds are against me I prove them wrong, when all else fails I succeed, when all else ceases to live I breath, when all turns to ashes from it I rise, so it doesn't matter what you throw at me or what you do, I am, I do, that's all that matters."
-The Iron Tank.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 350)
posted July 22, 2000 06:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lexicon   Click Here to Email lexicon     Edit/Delete Message
I would bet the majority of people on this board could not walk 9 holes of golf easily, nevermind some of the harcore golfers who walk 36 holes in a day. If a cart is not used it's very tireing.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 194)
posted July 22, 2000 06:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mystic_hormones   Click Here to Email mystic_hormones     Edit/Delete Message
lexie your a fat guy who plays golf and you probably cannot lift that much and you go to the gym and talk with your little buddies and then you wait an hour between sets and you cannot get big so your putting our sport down. Try to play football with ronnie and see how how he ends up compared to you.

bb is a sport. golf is a sport... for lazy fat prople. why do they ride in carts. they need to walk. you don't see nasser ride a cart into the gym do you.

...And the crowd goes wild!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 742)
posted July 23, 2000 12:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for goleafs   Click Here to Email goleafs     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 64961519
sorry man but bb is not a sport.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 198)
posted July 23, 2000 12:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for rippazoid   Click Here to Email rippazoid     Edit/Delete Message
Golf takes a great degree of hand-eye coordination and balance and there are alot of great atheletes that are also great golfers such as michael jordan, john elway etc. so yes golfers are atheletes .(some of them atleast)

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 350)
posted July 23, 2000 12:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lexicon   Click Here to Email lexicon     Edit/Delete Message
I don't play golf but wish I had the time and such to start. I've played a few times and walking 18 holes is hard. I would have no problem getting on the field against your god "Ronnie". He's no athlete. He'd probably have a heartattack running on the field. The best use for AS is to improve your athletic ability, or if done very carefully, your looks. Not to turn yourself into a freak who also need 20 other drugs to keep alive. I heard Nasser say the most cardio he does is walking into the gym. Great athlete.
Also, I'm far from fat and out of shape. I've played hockey @ college level and baseball @ professional level. I have never, in over 300 posts had a post like this (soap opera shit) Also, never a bump (okay 1 time). You should just stick to hanging up your pictures of "Ronnie" above your bed and pouring over bodybuilding mags like 14 year old kids do to Playboys.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 96)
posted July 23, 2000 12:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bjaarki   Click Here to Email Bjaarki     Edit/Delete Message

I was going to sign off on this thread (chicken shit that I am, having started it!), but I have to rant about a couple of the posts that have been added. Sure, a lot of great athletes golf (Michael Jordan, John Elway, Troy Aikman, etc., etc.), but that's only because they're wealthy and have a lot of leisure time in the off season, not because they're athletes. The fact that a lot of athletes golf is about as relevant to this discussion as is the fact that these guys drive cars, drink water, etc.. You're making the classic logical error of false equivalence ("If all A's are B's, then all B's are A's"). It ain't so, and it's irrelevant!

To be extremely honest about this (go ahead and flame me, if this discussion is that important to you), I think that an awful lot of golfers are, simply, RICH FOLK WANNABE'S. That's the only way I can explain to myself the great appeal of this "sport" to the middle class, the members of which have always been suckers for any device they could find that makes them FEEL, at least, that they're as rich as the fat guy in the big house at the top of the hill. Golf is, historically (at least since its extraction from Scotland) a "sport" of the favored, leisure classes, and maybe it just makes you feel like a rich guy to be out on a golf course. Maybe that's okay, too, I don't know. It's just an illusion, though. You're not rich. You're a sucker, and I'll bet the REAL rich guys are smirking at you from their Mercedes's as you trundle off in your Toyotas. I guess I still have enough of the old hippie style class rebel in me to get really ticked off with this crap. I'm not a Bobo, I don't smoke cigars, I don't need to feel like a fat rich fuck, and I DON'T GOLF!

Also, spare me the crap about how tough it is to walk around a golf course. I've been hiking extremely long distances (up to 30 miles) for a helluva long time, and I'm not impressed! I'll put anybody I can scrape out of a weight room up against anybody who just golfs on any measure of fitness you can name, and so would you, dammit! Cut the crap about walking, for Chrissakes. The golfers I'm talking about don't walk, and even if they do, so does your Grandma!

Aaah, enougha this! I really am signing off on this thread this time. To those who've chimed in agreeing with me, you're true soldiers, bros. To those of you who disagree, don't miss your tee time!


"'Til the weard of the world, stands, unforgotten,
high under Heaven, the hero's name." - Hrolf Krakki's Saga (Iceland)


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 663)
posted July 23, 2000 01:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FlexB   Click Here to Email FlexB     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71392430
That's what makes the sporting world so vast. There are so many variations of sports from hardcore rugby (which I consider the most "extreme" sport) to syncronize swimming and everything in between. I do agree that golfing is a "boring" sport, but it is still a "sport" and I respect the players. Imagine how golfers feel about BB or even football. They might think hardcore contact sports are too "violent"!


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 742)
posted July 23, 2000 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for goleafs   Click Here to Email goleafs     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 64961519
i am a die hard golfer and im in no way rich. (at least not as rich as bitchh8r gets cutting lawns) i dont feel rich golfing and i dont even drive a car. i do it because its a great way to spend a nice day doing something outside for once. as far as the walking goes , no its not that bad , but try doing it at high noon when the suns blazing on your back and you forgot to bring water with and tell me it doesnt take a level of fitness to accomplish that.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 194)
posted July 23, 2000 07:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mystic_hormones   Click Here to Email mystic_hormones     Edit/Delete Message
I agree with b up there with saying walking a nice cut field with a bunch of fat dudes is stupid when compared with hiking. And walking in the heat at high noon isn't that bad. How do you think the slaves felt while working in the fields all day. or what about how those illegal dudes work the grape vines in 100+ deg weather because they need it to make their money to live. I would happily walk a golf course compared to being a slave back in old times or a farm worker.

Hard is going through hell week in the navy seals. how many of us can do that. I can't and I respect the abilities of those who make it. now how easy is it to walk a golf course.

...And the crowd goes wild!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 516)
posted July 23, 2000 09:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cleaner   Click Here to Email Cleaner     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 8790283
Hell week is mental - what everyone forgets is that can't make you quit - only you can quit. Thats what they want, people who won't quit no matter what. The physical aspects - are about endurance. If you can shut up and take it you will make it.
I will admit to going down on the golf course do to heat. More than once.
Until you try it don't go to hard.
It's more fun than you think. If your doing it with a group of friends you will have a great time. Tty it once! I used to think all the same things you do - until I tried it and found out how hard it was. Then I was hooked.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 622)
posted July 24, 2000 04:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for THE STEEL BEAST   Click Here to Email THE STEEL BEAST     Edit/Delete Message



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 32)
posted July 25, 2000 02:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for therealj   Click Here to Email therealj     Edit/Delete Message
if golf requires no athletic skill..then how come none of you meatheads can go out and break 100...I'm sure most of you guys can catch a fish though right...people hate golf for two reasons...

1) they suck at it
2) they can't afford it

luckily neither of these apply to me..but that's why I'm me and your not!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 285)
posted July 25, 2000 02:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for YellowD98     Edit/Delete Message
Id say gold is more of a game than a sport. Games may require skill and intellect, while sports tend to be more physically demanding. Hence, putt putt golf is a game... while playing football is a sport. It doesnt matter whether you are smacking the ball 200 yards or 10 feet, its a game.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 74)
posted July 25, 2000 02:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sight1   Click Here to Email Sight1     Edit/Delete Message
I agree Theraji.

Golfers walk at least 36 holes/day. They carry their own bags while their caddies carry and play their own clubs.

Golf takes skill and a lot of talent.

To Romeo. I threw trash for five summers in order to stay in shape for football season. That could be the most strenuous job out there excluding the military.

You can't get out of life alive....Live well!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 32)
posted July 25, 2000 02:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for therealj   Click Here to Email therealj     Edit/Delete Message
compairing golf to putt putt is like compairing football to the game you find in bars where you throw the football....if golf isn't an athletic endevor why is it the greatest athletes in the world play golf every chance they can..Elway..Jordan..Gretzky..sorry ladies because you can't play it doesn't disqualify it from being a sport

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 470)
posted July 25, 2000 03:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for gearface   Click Here to Email gearface     Edit/Delete Message
I love golf.

Lift until u can't...... and then some.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 64)
posted July 25, 2000 01:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kingpin     Edit/Delete Message
If it weren't for golf, we wouldn't have one of the greatest movies ever made...
Enough said.
This thread can be locked now.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 285)
posted July 25, 2000 01:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YellowD98     Edit/Delete Message
Don't get me wrong, I play golf as well. But it is in NO means a challenging sport. Its is a difficult game, I'll give it that much. But when I go out for a GAME of golf on the weekends, I know it will be a time to relax and have a few beers. Im not worried about having to run 100 yards in 30 seconds to get to my ball. I can take my time and chat with my bud or take the cart. A lot of people play golf because its not a very complicated game to learn and because its relaxing and enjoyable (at least until you lose your temper . You can move at your own pace provided that no one is behind you, and work how you will. Trust me, any fat ass can walk 36 holes with enough breaks in between

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