Testosterone Undecanoate - 200mg "GREAT CRUISE OPTION" IS BACK & ON SALE!
Test Undec is BACK IN STOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and on sale...
Dec 1st until Dec 10th ONLY
Use BTC as a payment and get up-to 50% OFF...

Buy online Testosterone Undecanoate with LOCAL shipping
Do you blast & cruise, are you currently on HRT, are you tired of weekly injections or are you
pinning a lot with your current cycle/blast, getting tired of building scar tissue?
Well look no further!
Here we have Testosterone Undecanoate
"Here at PSL we have all of your HRT/TRT needs covered, with a vast amount of Testosterone ester hormones"
This shrouded compound is truly a contender in the compound arsenal with great reason, as TU can be utilized in a cruise,
HRT or even a cycle stack where multi compounds are implemented.
Injections scheduling can be decreased with your testosterone in take, at the same time freeing up more injection sites/ for more volume with other compounds,
at the same time keeping you test levels up to par with injections as often as every 10-16 days (Half life of Test Undecanoate is 16 days)
Dosages may range from 250-500 weekly, or 500-1000, and the injections can be spaced out up until 10-14 days (or more)
TU is used widely in many clinics world wide to treat men with hypogonadism, and HRT therapy..
The amazing benefits from this compound yields less injections,a much more stable blood environment, less fluctuations,
with the convenience of freeing up injection sites for other AAS
compounds that may be needed in ones protocol..
This Test ester is very diverse, serving multiple purposes, a vast and wide range of protocols.
NEW Test results are in.. Test Undec 200mg/mL by EP sold at PSL
200mg/10mL vial
Testosterone Undecanoate - 200mg (Great cruise option/HRT) HPLC lab results 2023
Created by visionSALE SALE SALE
Test Undec is BACK IN STOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and on sale...
Dec 1st until Dec 10th ONLY
Use BTC as a payment and get up-to 50% OFF...

Buy online Testosterone Undecanoate with LOCAL shipping
Do you blast & cruise, are you currently on HRT, are you tired of weekly injections or are you
pinning a lot with your current cycle/blast, getting tired of building scar tissue?
Well look no further!
Here we have Testosterone Undecanoate
"Here at PSL we have all of your HRT/TRT needs covered, with a vast amount of Testosterone ester hormones"

This shrouded compound is truly a contender in the compound arsenal with great reason, as TU can be utilized in a cruise,
HRT or even a cycle stack where multi compounds are implemented.
Injections scheduling can be decreased with your testosterone in take, at the same time freeing up more injection sites/ for more volume with other compounds,
at the same time keeping you test levels up to par with injections as often as every 10-16 days (Half life of Test Undecanoate is 16 days)
Dosages may range from 250-500 weekly, or 500-1000, and the injections can be spaced out up until 10-14 days (or more)
TU is used widely in many clinics world wide to treat men with hypogonadism, and HRT therapy..
The amazing benefits from this compound yields less injections,a much more stable blood environment, less fluctuations,
with the convenience of freeing up injection sites for other AAS
compounds that may be needed in ones protocol..
This Test ester is very diverse, serving multiple purposes, a vast and wide range of protocols.
NEW Test results are in.. Test Undec 200mg/mL by EP sold at PSL
200mg/10mL vial
Testosterone Undecanoate - 200mg (Great cruise option/HRT) HPLC lab results 2023