A||||2||WorkinOnIt||Help me out with application for sport.(RUGBY) |||||| Z||000000||WorkinOnIt||02-01-2000||02:05 PM||ben_coates@hotmail.com||I'm looking to gain 20 pounds(in about3 months) and to hit just over 250 for summer rugby season.
This is what I can get. Winstrol, Equipoise, Test Enanthate and Propionate. What should I be using.

Thanks||||reg|| Z||000001||DreamingBig||02-01-2000||03:07 PM||dreamingbig@hushmail.com||Try and provide further information like, how old you are, how long you have worked out for, have you ever used any gear before? More information will only produce better answers. By answering these questions you are more likely to get a complete answer and the most help.

DreamingBig||||reg|| Z||000002||WorkinOnIt||02-01-2000||04:21 PM||ben_coates@hotmail.com||Ok...I'm 20 yrs. old, and I've worked out for the last 5-6yrs., only the last one yr. consistently, and no I haven't used gear before. I hope this helps in answering my question.

much appreciated||||reg||