A||||2||Formula||1st clycle and confused|||||| Z||000000||Formula||01-31-2000||11:11 PM||firehawk43@hotmail.com||I've heard this cycle pack on muscle quick & fast and have the ability to keep your gain.
Any comments??

Week 1
• 3,000 mg of 1,500 testosterone per week 1,500 Deca
• 100 mg of clomiphene citrate every other day

Weeks 2-10
• 1,000 mg of testosterone per week
• 50 mg of clomiphene citrate every other day

Weeks 11-14 (post-cycle)
• 50 mg of clomiphene citrate per day

Better to be BIG than Sorry!!!||||reg|| Z||000001||macrophage69alpha||01-31-2000||11:15 PM||macrophage69alpha@hushmail.com||1500mg of DECA and you are going to have tits like dolly parton

this look like the work of the ignofamous "PAUL BORRENSON"

this is not a guy whose site you want to take advice from.

MP||||reg|| Z||000002||MiniMic||01-31-2000||11:17 PM||celticreble@cs.com||Does seem like a bit much.||||reg||