A||||2||madbomber31||last chance to chime in... come off of AS or switch drugs???? what to do.???>>??|||||| Z||000000||madbomber31||01-30-2000||01:18 PM||||i am scheduled to come off tuesday (last injection), i have switched drugs the entire cycle, from dbol/eq/norandralone dec and laur/ test enanthate/test propianate....
i am only on eq and nor now... should i just come off as scheduled or continue with the anabolics and then jump back to androgens for a while and then back to anabolics again? or just come off and cycle again in 8 weeks? (if i make it that long)... also whats the longest you have ever been on stuff?||||reg|| Z||000001||BIZ||01-30-2000||01:27 PM||||RELAX THOSE RESCEPTORS BRO! FOR 3 WEEKS MINIMUM THAN SLAM THEM HARD AGAIN!!!!


||||reg|| Z||000002||phiend||01-30-2000||03:34 PM||||Definitely come off for a while. Idon't understand how people can justify that it is good to stay on forever. We are already not going natural by using juice, so we might as well rest our bodies for a while, and let them produce their own hormones for at least a little while. Go off for over a month.||||reg||