A||||1||styles||carbup or no carbup???|||||| Z||000000||styles||01-29-2000||08:05 PM||||lets see, iv been in ketosis since wed and it is now saturday. i wanted to stay in ketosis for 12 days and not 5 but even with the thyroxine, which im going to take a break from because my thyroid is becomming slugish, i feel cold. i think my metabolism is quite low. im going to try a 24 hr carb up to boost my thyroid up a little then use insulin
on sun night to get into ketosis again. what are your opinions???

styles||||reg|| Z||000001||BIGDAWG205||01-29-2000||11:38 PM||bigdawg@vcomm.net||You are most likely right about your thyroid. take your temp in the morning and see what it is. if its lower than 98 or so , you need to eat more for a little while. a 2 day carb up is not long enough to upregulate your thyroid. I asked duchaine this question and he told me to eat maintainance level cals for a full two weeks to bring the thyroid back up. he said you can diet effectivly for about 5 weeks, then take a 2 week break eating maintainance level cals then back to diet again. this will ensure you dont have weight loss stoppage. You could try the 2 day thing, but the way i see it.. if it takes up to 4 weeks to lower it its not gonna come back in 2 days. if you try it, let us know what happens! peace||||reg||