A||||5||coolhandluke||Prohormones|||||| Z||000000||coolhandluke||01-29-2000||02:45 AM||coolhand@box43.gnet.pl||I just read a few posts on the subject and am trying hard to find the rationale behind people wasting a ton of money on something that may convert into traces of test or deca instead of buying test or deca....or both

Luke||||reg|| Z||000001||Joe Juicer||01-29-2000||01:26 PM||kinesis817@yahoo.com||I started w/ prohormones because 1) they're cheap 2) they're legal and 3) they work.

My current cycle was $700 including all the accessory gear. First time I did prohormones, i spent *way* less than that and gained 15lbs (mostly muscle) and A LOT of strength.

I'm on Laurabolin 50 right now (300mg/week) and Reforvit (1.2cc/day) and I'd say that I noticed results FASTER when i was taking the prohormones (because they're oral and because I was taking pretty radical doses).

None of them hold a candle to test (duh), but don't knock 'em. They're the best things to ever come out of a very crooked industry.

*** A Methandrostenalone Haiku ***
i like reforvit
it tastes like petroleum
drink your drugs today!
||||reg|| Z||000002||The_Blond_Myth||01-29-2000||03:06 PM||the_blond_myth@hotmail.com||yeah they work great, they gave me gyno...Stay away from that shit, you will get all the side effects, but none of the benefits of juice.

LP||||reg|| Z||000003||MattTheSkywalker||01-29-2000||05:48 PM||the151killer@hotmail.com||There are some transdermal prohormones that work pretty well.....no oral (no liver damage), and no needles either. Try www.Medlean.com - I am not trying to advertise but I had some success with their products||||reg|| Z||000004||big_guy1||01-30-2000||05:59 AM||big_guy316@operamail.com||Prohormones give you all the sides with little of the gains..although of the supplement out there that are legal I would say they are one of the best..i trie andro when it first came out..not too bad..but nothing like the real thing....||||reg|| Z||000005||grosso||01-31-2000||04:09 AM||||Maybe you all got the bad side effects because of too much dosage. I have tried Androsetenedione and it worked good for me. Now I am trying Nortesten (19-Norandrostenedione/4Norandrostenediol) and as all the people I have spoken with ,, there are no side effects. Only benefits. Also , you have to WAIT A LOT between a cicle and another ......||||reg||