A||||4||Primo57||Insert with my liquid DNP|||||| Z||000000||Primo57||01-28-2000||09:47 PM||||Alright this is kind of weird...My company
frequently uses DNP in its research
department (40% concentrated/bright yellow)
I was hanging out with some of my bros
that work in that department and one of
them let me read the booklet that came with
it. To some it up, it said that DNP
inhibitated the Kreb's cycle/ATP Production/
and transmembrane transport of cellular
nutrients in Insects and Mammals. All lab
personal are required to wear latex gloves
when working with this stuff. AND the
only thing that was crossing my mind was
how great it would be to put one of those
50 GALLON DRUMS of this stuff on a cart
and kill some insects at home!||||reg|| Z||000001||flexed1||01-28-2000||09:51 PM||n2weights@excite.com||either kill em or get them ripped for the bug olympia.

Peace||||reg|| Z||000002||macrophage69alpha||01-28-2000||09:54 PM||macrophage69alpha@hushmail.com||Most chem labs have lots of DNP lying around it is a commonly worked with chemical.
BTW- you dont need much 50grams dried will yield 20grams of dnp.
average intake of dnp 600mgs per day for 6days that 3.6grams per dnp cycle
my math may be off-hehehe- but that looks like at least 5 DNP cycles maybe six- even with moderate to heavy use that is a years worth. 1 cycle every two months

MP||||reg|| Z||000003||Deepsquat||01-29-2000||05:45 AM||hrscck9@yahoo.com||Damn 40%! what the hell is in the other 60%?||||reg|| Z||000004||macrophage69alpha||01-29-2000||05:49 AM||macrophage69alpha@hushmail.com||It is almost always water. because DNP when dried out into its crystaline form is rather unstable- It is a component for the manufacture of TNT.
