A||||8||JJKNIGHTS||Training|||||| Z||000000||JJKNIGHTS||01-28-2000||02:31 PM||||I just wanted to add a little of my own opinion here. I read a lot of post from some whom seem to think that taking steroids will gain immediate results with out really having to put the effort into it. I guess what I am trying to say is that if you are a beginner do not run out get some juice and hit the gym. You are waisting your time and money. Why? Well my uncle was Mr. Univers over 40 back in the late 70's or early 80's. I do not remember right off hand. He competed with Arnold and Lou and trained with Lee Haney. Anyway, I started lifing about 9 months ago and I went to him to get huge right away and look like Arnold. Well, he told me forget it. You have to train years to get like that. He told me that your body will naturally get bigger own its own for the first year or so you lift! Proper diet, correct training, and good sleep was all he recommended I do. Well I followed his advice and with some supplements, I have gained about 25-30 pounds in 9 months, gone from a 190 bench max to 325! You have to BUST your ass but you can do it. I still do not think I have reached my natural peak yet. Once I reached that then he told me to come talk to him again about steroids. I guess what I am saying is BUST your ass naturally and make all the gains you can there and do not look for a quick fix. You will enjoy it so much more if you wait then hit the juice, and you will be oh so much bigger!
JJ||||reg|| Z||000001||2Thick||01-28-2000||02:42 PM||cumbustion@hotmail.com||Words to live by. Hard work and a quick mind will get you anywhere in life.

Jon||||reg|| Z||000002||E2||01-28-2000||02:44 PM||||I agree completely, too many people use juice to grow right from the start. Use juice for growing past your natural "peak" train for a couple of years and do what you can then stick a needle in your ass and become a freak

E2||||reg|| Z||000003||Les||01-28-2000||02:50 PM||more_les@hotmail.com||I agree. I know kids who juice and after their cycles they look like crackheads. They don't give their bodies to grow naturally first.||||reg|| Z||000004||Leroy||01-28-2000||08:24 PM||leroylopes@yahoo.com||Leroy Bump !!

"What can be imagined, can be done" (I hope so...)

Take Care.
||||reg|| Z||000005||The Ranger||01-28-2000||09:13 PM||||Good point !!!! That's a YEP-PER !!!!


" Sua Sponte "||||reg|| Z||000006||OKIE||01-28-2000||09:30 PM||||I couldn't agree more. I also know people who only lift when they are on gear. They lift well when they have the stuff, but act as if they can't lift at all w/o it. They get fairly big over 8 weeks and then just stop lifting for 3 months until they get back on. I don't understand it. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.

OKIE||||reg|| Z||000007||MattTheSkywalker||01-29-2000||05:54 PM||the151killer@hotmail.com||JJKnights,

You're right on. People who go on juice right away have no idea about what to do in a gym, or how their body will react to training without any supplementation. I trained my ass off for 18 months before I even used creatine, and two more years before I even used prohormones. In those 3 and a half years I got up to 240 solid pounds from a skinny 185. IT TAKES TIME! When I tried a cycle, I already knew a lot about my body, and I went out and found out a lot about the products I used before I did them. So I was ready. All newbies do the same thing, for your own sake.

Matt ||||reg|| Z||000008||heavylifter1||01-29-2000||08:55 PM||||GREAT INFO GUYS. I tell everyone that asks me about gear, to lift for 30 days before starting your cycle. This allows the body to gain it's natural strength first. i'd reccomend waiting longer, but who'd listen.