A||N||1||1AbBIG||new to A.S. and would like advice|||||| Z||000000||1AbBIG||01-26-2000||12:11 PM||anyone1971@yahoo.com||I am a 28 year old male and i am new to the board. i have stopped in on may occasions to check it out. well i finally signed up.. read some good advice and would like to thank those whom have posted it. my question for starters is that i would like to start on a mild oral steroid .. it was sugessted to me to use 15-20mg (tabs) of primobolan and 25mg proviron a day . for a cycle of 6-8 weeks. then to use clocyclofenil for 2 weeks.. i was told that the gains are small and do stay after getting off of the A.S. i listed.. then to restart cycle again in 2 months.. i am in the military and cant show great gains in short amount of time.. . i could use some input on this.. also new to weight lifting!!

1AbBIG||||reg|| Z||000001||noratesten||01-26-2000||12:23 PM||||
Bro, use the injectable primo. It will work
much better. Go for 200mg-400mg per week.||||reg||