A||||3||swoll10||deca vs sost|||||| Z||000000||swoll10||01-24-2000||03:14 PM||||
Would deca or sostenon cause more hair loss? and as far as side effects which tends to be worse? Thanks.||||reg|| Z||000001||The1stnosant||01-24-2000||03:41 PM||nosant@hushmail.com||sost would have more sides...most sides are dose and duration related....||||reg|| Z||000002||CRYPTONITE||01-24-2000||09:58 PM||||YOU GOT IT!

CRYPTONITE||||reg|| Z||000003||300 kleen||01-24-2000||10:01 PM||kleen_300@hushmail.com||Stack them together for best results.
You don't want "Deca Dick".


www.angelfire.com/pokemon/gear ||||reg||