A||||4||garyopenshaw||Can anyone confirm this??? Please LOOK|||||| Z||000000||garyopenshaw||01-24-2000||10:13 AM||||

there is a reverse sting on the renegade board by now on every board or atleast all boards are probably being watched so i suggest a low profile for those in the bus...and to think i almost placed an order a couple weeks back but decided to go with another source...damn this is some f??ked up sh?t..i got my info from more than one reliable source..so trust what the others are saying stay off the renegade..
||||reg|| Z||000001||E2||01-24-2000||10:56 AM||||Yup stay away and always be careful no matter where you are

E2||||reg|| Z||000002||CRYPTONITE||01-24-2000||07:11 PM||||NOT FOR SURE HEARD IT BOTH WAYS

||||reg|| Z||000003||Les||01-24-2000||09:38 PM||more_les@hotmail.com||Word waz they were givin away free gear..Well Jesus, if that ain't clue enough||||reg|| Z||000004||300 kleen||01-24-2000||09:52 PM||kleen_300@hushmail.com||I heard both sides.
I don't know.


www.angelfire.com/pokemon/gear ||||reg||