A||||2||FreakMonster||Thoughts on Growth Hormone?|||||| Z||000000||FreakMonster||01-21-2000||08:43 PM||eurom3@bellsouth.net||I'm 23 years old and thinking of doing a cycle of Russian Sust and Growth Hormone. My question is what are the side effects of Growth Hormone? I heard that if you are predisposed to any cancer that Growth Hormone will accelerate it dramatically, potentially taking 5 to 10 years of your life. Now that scares the shit out of me.

Cost is not an issue here since I can get it extremely cheap. Just that one fact is why I'm thinking twice about it. Also I cannot find any good informational sites on Growth Hormone, Anyone know any good sites? It seems like there isn't too much info. on the Growth out there.||||reg|| Z||000001||100acrewoods||01-22-2000||12:48 AM||fryec@hotmail.com||side effects:

acromegaly, carpal-tunnel syndrome, internal organs and internal viscera will tend to enlarge, including the heart.

Are these a health risk? Depends.

More people die from driving without a seat belt than from complications of steroid abuse.

But then again, more people drive too.

As far as cancer and the 5 to 10 years off your life, look at it this way:

if you get cancer at 50 instead of 60, your body is younger and more capable of withstanding the torturous regimen of chemotheraphy and radiation treatments. Plus, since you are relatively young, health care professionals will have sympathy for you and be more apt to provide treatment to you to help you recover.
||||reg|| Z||000002||BIZ||01-22-2000||11:33 AM||||WOW! NICE BREAK DOWN BRO...IMPRESSIVE!

