A||||9||Heemaan445||first time trying to lose bodyfat....|||||| Z||000000||Heemaan445||01-12-2000||11:05 PM||||I've always struggled to gain weight...worked my way up to 245 lbs (6'1) from 145 lbs since '88....(I'm not a bodybuilder, just a weightlifter)....with my most consistent years of lifting being my last 3...

I'm now about to hit my goal of 250 lbs. and I've sacrificed my bodyfat % getting there...its at 19%......

I'm going to start watching my diet and adding some cardio to my workouts, but nothing extremely dramatic...so I want to know what (within reason) should I expect to see my bodyfat #'s do..? (over a month, 2 months...etc..) I'm just looking to get down around 12%...
H-Man||||reg|| Z||000001||Joe Juicer||01-12-2000||11:12 PM||kinesis817@yahoo.com||It totally depends on your morphology. I've gotten down to under 5% BF without drugs (Phenyltropic dont count) but i've got a fast metabolism.

Probably the most important factor is gonna be diet. Watch the carbs, particularly at night. Keep sugar to an absolute min (OK to have some right after training)

Also it would probably help to do your cardio at a different time rather than trying for a 2hr lifting/treadmill marathon.

With good diet and consistent cardio, just about anybody that's dedicated to the task can get under 10% BF. Dont get discouraged if it takes two or more months, though.

Anyone else care to share their cutting tips?


** Mmm. Dianabol. Tastes like chicken! **||||reg|| Z||000002||Heemaan445||01-13-2000||12:16 AM||||Is it reasonable to think I could shed 2-3% per month...saying I've got average joe metabolism..?||||reg|| Z||000003||snaps||01-27-2000||01:45 PM||snaps@friendfactory.com||another diet idea

take lot of Protein (about 3g/kg)
as less you can do carbohydrates and take instead mct-oil ( it has the same kalories than normal fat but couldnīt get stored, for energie it works the same as carbos, it has double calories that carbos have)

and if nothing helps...
... letīs talk about it in 3-4 weeks||||reg|| Z||000004||styles||01-27-2000||03:45 PM||||heres something you might like.

im doing a zero carb diet right now and fuck what people say about losing muscle mass, if you eat lots and train heavy as well as not as often, you will gain size if your anything like me.

but to make sure you grow and lean up, try taking the e/c/a stack in the morning. i know you said no drugs but its all legal and it helps quite a bit, then go to the gym and do an hour of moderate intensity jogging on the treadmill. do this on days you DONT workout, or work out later in the evening.

i would workout on different days than the cardio. after the cardio go home and eat low carb all day with plenty of water. on workout days, eat a small amount of carbs before your workout, ie oatmeal, or some fruit. when your finished the workout come home and eat a very big meal high in protien, carbs, and fiber, low in fat, then after that all your meals throughout the day are no carbs.

just a suggestion, it worked very well for me.

styles||||reg|| Z||000005||Mr. T||01-27-2000||04:17 PM||||As my Doctor friend always tells me, diet is everything. That being said, also try low impact cardio after weightlifting. Walking on the steepest incline on the tread for 30 min., bike for 30 min., or otherwise. But, you must be okay with getting smaller. As you know, you will lose fat from arms, legs , etc. In the long run it is worth it. A small waist makes everything look bigger. Good Luck||||reg|| Z||000006||Buffness||01-27-2000||11:38 PM||gearrrhead@aol.com||do your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. your body is build to fast wile your asleep. Eat 1 to 2 hours after your cardio and eat at least 5 meals during the day. cook your food no quick shit. eat lots of dead animal and ad rice, potatoes,and pastas. this will give you good energy and you will lean down. If you want quicker results cut your carbs and add in more fat. you will feel shittier but the fat will melt off you.

69% natural
beefcake! beefcake!||||reg|| Z||000007||macrophage69alpha||01-27-2000||11:43 PM||macrophage69alpha@hushmail.com||19% that is going to take some work.
well agree that low carb diets tend to work well for people with higher bodyfat- so that might be the route you want to take. but as it gets harder to lose I would add ECA + YOHIMBINE- or you could start out the diet with that.
BTW- all that being said I personally would take DNP.

MP||||reg|| Z||000008||mr bod||01-28-2000||09:28 PM||ccwc610@cs.com||STYLES any thoughts on using parrilo mct oit..or another if you know of a cheaper source..while on the ketop diet...i have been considering that..but i have to say ditto to feeling great on zero carbs (less than 20 is like zero) i have hardened up hit a pr on the deadlift of 415.. an i can see changes i ma just impatient when it comes to the abs but i think with the info from your last post and some patince i will get there..more than anything you guys don't need to be afariad of zero carbs like the mags say --they push that low fat shit all day i think weider is in bed with the surgeon general..to polically correct..||||reg|| Z||000009||styles||01-29-2000||02:13 AM||||mr bod

go up and read big dawgs post. your right...the media is now telling us that low fat is good. have you noticed the obesity epidemic in the last decade??? people are rushing out to but low fat products thinking they are doing good but they are having insulin problems and becomming lazy and lethargic, through no fault of they're own really. read the research, it has been proven that low carb works. eat a meal for breakfast...trust me, try this- try cereal with skim mils, low fat toast with jam, a banana, and a tall glass of juice, note how you feel afterwards...then the next morning try a meal with no carbs, see how you feel then.

the carbs are sugar in complex forms. the body breaks them all bown into glucose, or lactose...your pancreas secretes insulin and it grabs the carbs and stores then in your liver and muscles to reserves of dormant energy. they can only hold so much though.

when they are full, there is nowhere to put them, there is no way in hell you will burn them off. they are stored as fat. plain and simple

low carb diets convert your bodys metabolic system to using ketones which are a by product of lipids. if your not eating carbs and your eating fat...what will be stored??? nothing, there are no carbs to cause a huge insulin release and store as fat as well as make you tired, lazy, and stupid... carbs in excess cause a high risk of diabetes.

just try it out...
