Everyone Thinking of Home Chemistry

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Posted by Juice Monkey on February 09, 1997 at 18:04:22:

It seems like the hot topic at the moment is making your own gear. Let me be the first to say that this is a very dangerous proposition. In all honesty, most of you don't have the education or knowledge to perform such complex "experiments". Even my friends in third year biochemistry at UWO don't have the knowledge to properly make such complex pharmacueticals without some help. And even if you understood how to correctly make these compounds, you need a sterile lab to ensure your safety. C'mon people, you're going to ingest or shoot this stuff into your body. You are now on the same level as a heroin junky cooking his shit up on a spoon with a zippo and a gob of spit ready to borrow a stick from his buddy Felix to stick it. There is no way you can reproduce the necessary sterile environment required to produce steroids in your kitchen. I have heard of guys getting major side effects from home made junk. Everything from hives to boils to fevers. If you've ever seen an abcess cut out of someone's ass or quad you wouldn't even consider trying this. So get over the idea. I have access to fully equipped unviversity labs and I won't risk it. Don't be stupid and try this.

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