A||||4||slither||Remember, my trainer is also a sales associate!|||||| Z||000000||slither||02-06-2001||08:26 PM||jkopras@nis4u.com||I joined a new gym when I moved, and there was a free assessment with the join up. I met with the trainer, he weighed me at 212, then put what looked like a blood pressure strap on my arm, pressed a button and it the machine it was hooked up to beeped. It then proceeded to spit out readings, 25% fat, 147 lbs of lean muscle mass, and then the questionable 52% water.(never heard that one myself before, but who am I to question science).. He wanted to sell me training sessions, go figure.. I declined and proceeded on a six wk rigorous training program to burn fat. He then brought me in for another assessment. Results, 206 lbs, 24.5% fat, 147.5 lean mass. and again 54% water. Agin with the sales pitch. I said hey look, I feel good, I look better, And if you ask me again, I will twist your 150 lbs, it to a pretzel. Such is the question of my idiot trainer. So now you know, You gotta admit ladies I have interesting stories.||||reg|| Z||000001||new@gettinbig||02-06-2001||09:48 PM||j1fit1@hotmail.com||Having a trainer is not a bad idea...It really could help you achieve your goals, having someone with nutrition and lifting knowledge work with you and design something specifically for you. Its also good for motivation, and help pushing the extra lbs and pushin yourself to failure. Help like that can be a positive thing and could help you get some great results..........
just my .02 but I am a trainer myself, but I do have a trainer who trains me...good ol F1 He has crushed me and developed me in the past year from a skinny girl to a girl with some nice sized muscles!!!||||reg|| Z||000002||MS||02-06-2001||10:53 PM||retropump@hotmail.com||Having a trainer is good, especially in the beginning. But you should find a trainer with a brain instead of a computer. Someone who can look at you and see and measure change with their own eyes, skinfold calipers and tape measure. Someone who can see that your strength is going up while your waist is going down, and someone who can help you to achieve your goals with sound nutrition and training advice, with a little motivation thrown in.

It sounds to me like this machine took your LBM to be 75% water, and your fat to have no water in it. Although this may be a close approximation, it is a truly meaningless calculation. BUT, this is not a good excuse to cut back on your water consumption. It's absolutely essential to helping you lose fat/curbing you appetite and staying healthy.

How to find a good trainer is the difficult question........||||reg|| Z||000003||slither||02-07-2001||12:04 AM||jkopras@nis4u.com||I totally agree that having a trainer is good. What I was getting at, is that I question his body assessments of me. He may have tried to make it look like I had no improvement, just to solicite his services.

Very dishonest, but I used to be in sales, and I have seen it all. ( could be just the latest in scams thats all).||||reg|| Z||000004||MS||02-07-2001||12:27 AM||retropump@hotmail.com||I agree. You may want to find someone to independantly asses your progress. Someone with no vested, or potentially vested interest in you. Perhaps a good GP could help you? Or maybe someone on this board could point you to someone in your area that would be unbiased in their assessment?||||reg||