A||||2||ripped103||can my fiance mix zoloft with clems|||||| Z||000000||ripped103||01-23-2001||01:58 PM||adam_ben_david@hotmail.com||do you feel this is safe, i dont want anything to happen to her.thanks in advance||||reg|| Z||000001||WarLobo||01-24-2001||10:56 AM||warlobo@operamail.com||Do you mean clen?


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000002||MS||01-24-2001||04:00 PM||retropump@hotmail.com||Is she taking the Zoloft to treat depression? Anxiety?? Clenbuterol will make anyone feel anxious, with or without Zoloft. But if she can handle the anxiety then she should be OK. Just go slowly at first to see how she reacts.||||reg||