A||N||6||dEgeNeRaTe8211||PROBLEM AREAS!!!!|||||| Z||000000||dEgeNeRaTe8211||01-21-2001||09:39 PM||aalleeson@aol.com|| Well I've been scopin out myself...doin pinches and stuff. There's a buncha places where I pinched off a little more than what I woulda liked to have gotten. I need some help as to what I can do to workout these areas.
First, I got that little pooch right under the belly button that's common to a lot of my friends and probably most women. To work this place, I lie on my back with my hands behind my and my legs straight and perpendicular to the ground. Then I lift my lower back up off the ground. I've been doin this, but it doesnt seem to be workin the pooch.
I also need to firm up the upper groin as well as my hamstrings. Well it's really the upper hamstrings...it's kidna the place where the butt starts on the thigh.
Well I was watchin the Nutty Professor, and it got me thinkin about jello arms. So I don't really have jello on the tricepts. Well I don't know if this is considered the triceps. It's on the back of the arm with the tri...but it's higher up...closer to the pit. I work my tris, but I still have a little somethin there.
I need suggestions on how to work these places. Summer's comin up soon and I'm a bit worried about myself. Also...I was runnin a little short on cash and had to cancel my gym membership last month. So I've been without technology for a couple weeks now. I need exercises that I can do at my house when I work out. Please help!!

Thanx.||||reg|| Z||000001||skydancer||01-21-2001||10:21 PM||skydancer43@hotmail.com||Well theres tons of exercise you can do at home - tri bench dips using two chairs (one under your feet one under your hands, push ups using a close grip also work the tris well, for legs - sissy squats, plie squats, lunges, walking lunges, step ups using a stable chair, for lower abs - v ups, hanging raises (you need to hang off something), reverse crunches, any crunch using pelvic tilt. BUT....as with any thing, if you've got a layer of fat on these areas, the muscle won't show. Eating properly and getting a bit of cardio will help the flab.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.
Well done is better than well said.||||reg|| Z||000002||sillygirl||01-23-2001||01:12 PM||||You can also do some of the same exercises that you did at the gym but use soup cans as weights or containers of laundry detergent.

As for your stomach muscles in order to get them to show you need to have a healthy diet.

Hope this helps.
sillygirl ||||reg|| Z||000003||JuicyGirl||01-23-2001||01:24 PM||musclemaster@hushmail.com||There is no such thing as spot reducing. Get on cardio first thing in the AM along with some of the resistance training mentioned above. Get on the treadmill on the highest incline and squeeze your butt on every step.

Diet is very important. You will not be able to see muscle definition under a layer of bodyfat. Do some searches on this board for diet/nutrition/cardio. That's what you're going to need to avoid having jello bodyparts.

Increasing your muscle mass with resistance training will help you burn more calories and result in a long-term change in body composition.

Good luck and don't give up and hide under your winter clothes! ||||reg|| Z||000004||Dlady27||01-23-2001||02:19 PM||||Good Lord! With all the FLABBY JELLO I have I might as well live on the treadmill for 6 weeks!!! lol :P

Atleast i know NOT to give up my cardio every AM before breakfast, heehee.

there is no such thing as SPOT REDUCING! ||||reg|| Z||000005||dEgeNeRaTe8211||01-23-2001||06:02 PM||aalleeson@aol.com||Thanx everyone thats helpin me out here. I'll work on everythin and update you on how its goin in a few weeks.
For the dieting thing, should I completely transform my diet to get my nutrients and stuff? Or is it better to do a gradual transformation?||||reg|| Z||000006||Haas||01-25-2001||07:59 AM||||Te
Diet is NOT just important...it is THE KEY
Your body places fat all over in a genetically determined way. First on, last off. Chubby tris? They will be the last body part to get lean probably. The think you MUST do is stay on a diet ie: Body O... or cycle carbs or whatever works until you break that old "brown" fat. Stubborn as hell but it WILL work. Otherwise you can do cardio all day long and just end up looking like the typical "skinny-fat" chicks. If your going to do the time, do it right. You'll thank me!!!||||reg||