A||||2||1Mistake||T-3 and breastfeeding???|||||| Z||000000||1Mistake||01-20-2001||09:52 PM||||Would there be any bad effects for the baby to take T-3 while nursing?? My friend just had a baby and plans to breastfeed for 6 months.Any input??

J||||reg|| Z||000001||riptchick||01-20-2001||10:53 PM||riptchick@operamail.com||EVERYTHING gets passed to the baby through breastmilk. BMOM help me out here...I cannot express how troublesome this post is to me....||||reg|| Z||000002||F1hybrid||01-21-2001||07:18 AM||badknees@freedom.net||Don't breastfeed if you are taking anything. Proper thyroid levels are very important for growth in a neonate. Screw things up at such an early age and the kid may have serious long-term problems. Personally, I can't believe anyone would be so irresponsible to even consider taking a hormone that is not medically necessary while breastfeeding.
