A||||11||blu||Bikini Mom, FC et al .... example your diet|||||| Z||000000||blu||01-12-2001||04:30 PM||blucloud1@hushmail.com||Ladies,

My wife is not a fan of meat- oh she'll take a nice steak or chicken breast prepared proper, but she is very finicky(sp) about her protien. The end result is a primarily bread, pasta, fruit & veggi diet for her.

I am interested in what women who have put some weight on their bones have done to get there.



Were starting at 5'4" 110 lbs ||||reg|| Z||000001||bikinimom||01-12-2001||04:42 PM||bikinimom@hotmail.com||Ouch, I weighed that much a little over a year ago before I started bulking to compete. (I'm 5' 3 1/2")

I eat a lot of egg whites (some whole eggs), steak, chicken, soy, some tofu, tuna, salmon, turkey, and of course the supplemental MRP. When bulking I consume up to 3,500 calories p/day (I gotta stuff it down). When cutting I never go below 1800. But generally take in around 2200 when cutting. Honestly, I don't count calories. I eat clean (meaning no processed foods) and have between 5 - 6 meals p/day. The first one through three (I toggle between 2 comp carb meals and 3 comp carb meals p/day) consist of 1 serving protein, 1 serving comp carb (oatmeal, brwon rice or yam), 1 serving fibrous carb is veggies.

Obviously when bulking I indulge in sweets and eat pretty much whatever I desire, when cutting I try not to cheat (although if not getting ready for competition I do allow for cheats - it just takes me a bit longer to reach my goals, but I maintain my sanity) and eat A LOT of veggies!

As long as she eats good wholesome food, she should be fine.

Good Luck Bulking!


....beauty knows no pain.||||reg|| Z||000002||skydancer||01-12-2001||04:56 PM||skydancer43@hotmail.com||Get her to replace the pasta/breads with more nutritious whole grains and legumes. She'll get more protein that way and better source of complex carbs.

MRP's are probably a good idea for her.

I love good protein though so I eat lots of chicken, turkey, some tuna and other fish, eggs/egg whites, lean red meats. I supplement with whey protein. I get carbs from beans, oat groats, brown rice, barley etc. Fats from almonds, soynuts, flax and avocado. Then of course tons of dark green veggies and fruit here and there.

Like Bmom 1800-2000cal is where I cut down nicely. I just finished my first (natural)bulking attempt - averaged about 2600-some days much higher. That worked nicely for slow gain. (Though next time I'm planning it a bit better - I went overboard eating crap food on top of my good foods) Right now I'm floating between 2000-2300cals and embarking on cutting down. I've sort of let go being so anal about counting calories too. I eat 6 or 7 times a day, concentrating on getting those good whole foods in. And a gallon or two of water (literally) is important too.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.
Well done is better than well said.

[This message has been edited by skydancer (edited January 12, 2001).]||||reg|| Z||000003||Iron God||01-12-2001||05:30 PM||irongod@hushmail.com||Does she use AS?

For weight gain or fat loss I find that the single most important factor in diet is consistantly eating every 2 hours no matter what. For a total of 8 meals a day. FC does 5 solid and 3 liquid.

Which includes everything from Chicken and Tuna to Cheese burgers and Ice cream.


||||reg|| Z||000004||new@gettinbig||01-12-2001||05:39 PM||j1fit1@hotmail.com||To gain size.. you have to eat! Like IG said eat every couple of hours and get on some type of schedule. Have her prepare her meals the night before how she likes them Its easy to eat junk food when in a hurry so do it before hand to avoid that. I eat tons of protein.. whey shakes, protein bars, steak, lean meat, turkey, tuna, chicken.. all that good stuff. 6-7 meals a day and tons of water! She should try preparing her food different ways and find what she likes. Its not always fun eating.. and sometimes you have to think of it as a means to an end not always for your pure enjoyment. High protein and moderate carbs will put some meat on her ||||reg|| Z||000005||FitnessChick||01-13-2001||02:50 PM||fitnesschick@hushmail.com||Nutrition is key for muscle building----that type of diet isn't going to get her far---

It really depends on how bad she wants it---noone ever said that what you need to do to gain size is going to be the most fun thing in the world---or tastiest, for that matter.

She really needs to force herself to up the protein----lots of tuna, chicken, lean beef, ground turkey, MRPs & protein shakes, eggs & eggwhites---I try to keep my carb sources clean---no breads or pastas----mostly yams, russet potatos, green leafy veggies, oatmeal.....supplement with flax----& eat 8 or so meals a day (every 2-3 hours)---keep the calories up-----

How is she training-that also has a lot to do with muscle gain---if she is trying to add mass, have her really focus on compound movements----& heavy lifting----tell us how she trains now---& what her split & cardio is like-||||reg|| Z||000006||djfitt||01-13-2001||06:01 PM||djfitt@hotmail.com||"High protein and moderate carbs will put some meat on her"

This is where I get confused. How much is "moderate" carbs? low carbs?

Just a lurker that finally joined! : )

||||reg|| Z||000007||blu||01-13-2001||06:01 PM||blucloud1@hushmail.com||FC,

Current workouts:
running 5+ miles 3 times per week, throw in a couple sets of crunches

Lift 2 nights, run 1 (is willing to do more of a sprinters workout)

Here is what I wrote out for her to start: 2 sets 10 rep all lifts

DB Flat, DB Inclined, Straight Bar Bench, Flys

Pull Downs, Pull ups wide, Low pulley row, 1 arm DB row

Squats, Legg press, stiff deadlift, quad & ham

DB press, Straight bar press, side and front laterals, straight bar shrugs, DB shrugs

I have had her read everything you all have written and she is willing to try something different.

All suggestions appreciated.


||||reg|| Z||000008||luv2workout||01-13-2001||06:36 PM||shanshan3@ivillage.com||Im no expert, but I would think that in order to put on some size she needs to cut down on the running and do more weight training - do compound mvmts and put on some mass...Of course the diet is important as well, but it seems like she is doing too much cardio..||||reg|| Z||000009||new@gettinbig||01-13-2001||06:50 PM||j1fit1@hotmail.com||Moderate carbs is not low carbs. When trying to put on size you need to consume things like rice, baked potatoe, yams, veggies etc. Along with a high protein diet of fish, eggs, lean meat, chicken, etc. As well as heavy weight training! Low carbs if you are dieting for a show or something along that lines. Stay away from simple sugars and stuff like breads and pastas. I would keep cardio to a minimal if trying to gain size as well Hope that helps a little||||reg|| Z||000010||djfitt||01-13-2001||07:03 PM||djfitt@hotmail.com||Thanks new@gettinbig, How many grams of carbs in the mod range? 100-150?||||reg|| Z||000011||MS||01-15-2001||02:25 PM||retropump@hotmail.com||I pretty much agree with everyone above in that if she wants to gain muscle she should cut back on the running and focus more on heavy weight lifting. But unless she's using AS to bulk, there's no need to overdose on the protein, and skydancer's recommendation to substitute much of the refined flours (bread, pasta, etc) for whole grains and legumes is good advice. As a starting point, she should try eating around 18-20 calories per pound, divided into 6 meals. 15-20% fat (mostly unsaturated), 15-20% protein and the rest from complex carbs, veggies and fruits. If she has trouble eating this much, she should try MRPs for some of those meals. This works out to around 100 grams of protein, 45 grams of fat and 300 grams of carbs. ||||reg||