A||||5||AJD||Female Dbol dosage??? |||||| Z||000000||AJD||01-03-2001||10:07 AM||||OK, I was thinking about doing 4-5 weeks of Dbol(the rest of my cycle was on Deca between 50-75mgs every 5 days) well, I have NO IDEA what a woman would take? I saw for a man, that they can take anywhere from 4-10 tablets PER DAY. I know the side effects are really really bad and very strong with this, so I would like to go as LOW as possible w/ very minimal side effects (ex. acne/hair growth) because I got none of these while on my deca cycle.)

So would I do like 1 per day? Or 1/2 of one per day? Any ideas???? PLEASE HELP SOON!


AJ||||reg|| Z||000001||F1hybrid||01-03-2001||10:25 AM||badknees@freedom.net||One of the female BBs at our gym was using 15 mg/d along with test (100-150 mg/wk) for 8 weeks. Got pretty hard and put on some serious size. However, she already has a deep voice, enlarged clit, and shaves. So the cosmetic sides weren't an issue with her. She uses 100-200 mg/wk of test year round and adds in some d-bol, winny and/or oxandrolone a couple times a year for 8 weeks. No problems with blood chems to date. If you don't want the cosmetic sides however, avoid the d-bol.

F1||||reg|| Z||000002||WarLobo||01-03-2001||10:43 AM||warlobo@operamail.com||No damn good reason for you to use this stuff.


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000003||fitnessfreak||01-03-2001||01:22 PM||fitness1@hushmail.com||Stick with Anavar. Its the safets for women. maybe a little Winstrol but thats it unless your competing or something.

Just one more rep!||||reg|| Z||000004||T Bone||01-04-2001||03:01 AM||||Sounds kinda hard core to me. Personaly I'd like to see you take a break after the deca cycle and let the sides go away. Then go with a low dose test. Then go back to an anabolic. But it's your choice. I dont know much about womens cycles. Just thought I would chime in and bump ya up.


T Bone - It's whats for dinner...||||reg|| Z||000005||MR. BMJ||01-04-2001||03:50 AM||mrbmj32@hotmail.com||Personally for me, if you are set on doing something like d-bol, then I would suggest Anadrol instead/first.
MR. BMJ||||reg||