A||||2||kat||To any ladies who are still kinda new like me to BB|||||| Z||000000||kat||12-27-2000||04:09 PM||chodamusic69@hotmail.com||All you folks who are hardcore will laugh, so this is directed to the others like me who haven't been doing this for toolong.

My schedule got screwed up over the holidays..wound up taking 5days off unintentionally, and I was going to change my routine anyway, so I finally check out my brothers birthday present to me..the Chyna Fitness video. Didn't look too hard, so i figure, since its a full body workout it will be a good kickstart to my new routine.

Well...I can't move today. My tris hurt, my bis hurt, my lats and delts hurt. My hams, butt and quads hurt. Even the ends of my traps hurt. My wrists and forearms hurt. EVERYTHING hurts. I need a massage.
In short, I have been slain....it feels like someone beat me with a baseball bat.

I highly reccomend it.

[This message has been edited by kat (edited December 27, 2000).]||||reg|| Z||000001||Captain_insano||12-27-2000||04:34 PM||captain_insano@hushmail.com||That's good Kat. The soreness you are having is from varying your exercise program. Some say to update it every 8-12 weeks or your body becomes stagnant and does not move to the next level of musculature. I never do the same routine twice.

||||reg|| Z||000002||WarLobo||12-27-2000||08:43 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Dito what the Capt said

