A||||1||Fungirl||Fem Cycle Inf|||||| Z||000000||Fungirl||12-17-2000||08:37 AM||||Hi I know the posts are a freat source of information but still it lack more information for beginners who are aiming for transformation, where can I find first cycle information for women. Any name of other websites.||||reg|| Z||000001||tnheygirl||12-17-2000||08:48 AM||tnheygirl@ziplip.com||Fungirl

This is the only large board I have come across for females. Try the Elite search option above and type in somthing similiar to Female first cycle. Try it. I doubt you will find any other female board this informed on the web.

[This message has been edited by tnheygirl (edited December 17, 2000).]||||reg||