A||||1||BuffBlondie||RANT!!!|||||| Z||000000||BuffBlondie||11-27-2000||09:20 PM||buffchick2@aol.com||Ok...here's a question...
how come there are so many idiots in this world?
I was walking to my car after I got out of class this afternoon (i'm in grad school), and this white trash butthead drives slowly next to me, rolls the window down, and asks, "excuse me, i'm not from around here...can you tell me where the best place is to pick up chicks?"! UGH! I just smirked and kept walking...then at the intersection I got honked and waved at by another loser, then whistled at by a bunch of little wannabe gangsters in a front yard...
sorry, just had to rant... I feel better now...

If you do what you've always done, you'll end up with what you've always gotten!||||reg|| Z||000001||MR. BMJ||11-27-2000||09:38 PM||mrbmj32@hotmail.com||Sounds as if you should be proud that guys even acknowledge your beauty, even if they are immature. Hell, the last 6 months I have been in a major female drought, and I would be happy if some chick even whistled at me. Obviously, you are attractive, it could be worse.
MR. BMJ||||reg||