A||||1||F1hybrid||Circumferences: more numbers to chew on|||||| Z||000000||F1hybrid||11-20-2000||03:18 PM||phatboy@columbus.rr.com||I figured I'd post these also. These are the circumferences for the three groups. Circumferences are in inches. Remember, these numbers are based on the bodyfat % listed at the end. At 15% BF, these numbers would be considerably higher especially on the contest ready ladies. A couple of the pro women, contest ready had flexed bi measures at 16.5 - 17". The lat spread in the fitness girls may have been a little inflated (literally) by some rather large implants.

Body part CRBB BB FIT

Shoulder 47 46 42.1
Lat spread 44.5 43.7 39.7
Glute-hip 37.1 37.6 36.1
Waist 28.4 28.5 26.3
Mid-thigh 22.6 21.8 20.2
Mid-arm 13.8 13.3 11.6
Flexed arm 15.1 14.1 12.3
%bodyfat 4.7 8.7 9.1

F1||||reg|| Z||000001||F1hybrid||11-20-2000||03:20 PM||phatboy@columbus.rr.com||The columns didn't hold. Just follow them across.


Shoulder circs for CRBB, off season BB and FIT are 47, 46, and 42.1 inches, respectively.
